Event Details
February Employer Tabling - Arts, Theater, and Media
Join us every month for a unique opportunity to meet employers actively recruiting Macalester students!
Representatives from various organizations in the arts, theater, and media industries will be tabling in the Janet Wallace lobby. Come stop by for a quick chat to learn more about full-time jobs, fellowship/internship, and artist opportunities. We'll also have Career Exploration staff present - come make connections and get your career questions answered!
Want some tips for talking to employers? Check out this Quickstart Guide: How to Effectively Talk to Employers
Co-sponsors include: Art & Art History, Media and Cultural Studies, and the Theater & Dance Departments
Employers present will include:
- Adventures in Cardboard
- Children's Theatre Company
- FilmNorth
- Lyric Arts
- Minnesota Public Radio|American Public Media Group
- Pangea World Theater
- Public Art Saint Paul
- The Costume Collective
- The Walker Art Center
Contact: [email protected]
Audience: Students
Sponsor: Career Exploration
Listed under: Campus Events, Career Events, Featured Events, Front Page Events

Janet Wallace Fine Arts Center - Lowe Dayton Commons
130 Macalester St.