The purpose of this policy guideline is to summarize payment options for faculty and student travel expenses paid with grant funds.

PI/PD travel payment options: (Listed in order of preference)

  1. PI/PD grant specific pcard
  2. Direct payment to vendor for transportation, lodging and conference fees
  3. Travel cash advance
  4. Reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses

Student travel payment options to attend conference/professional meetings with PI/PD: (Listed in order of preference)

  1. PI/PD pays for student travel expenses with a grant specific pcard (Mac & non-Mac students)
  2. Submission of “Grant Funded Student Travel M & IE per diem Request”(Mac & non-Mac students)a. Ten (10) day maximum per event
    b. Not to exceed Federal per diem rates
    c. First day and last day are calculated at 75% of daily per diem
  3. Student cash advance (Mac students only)
    a. Maximum advance of $500
    b. Student signs “Statement of Personal Responsibility”
  4. Declining balance pcards (Mac & non-Mac students)
    a. Minimum of three (3) weeks lead time to order declining balance pcard
    b. Requests submitted to Purchasing & Accounts Payable Manager
    c. Standard pcard reporting required
    d. PI/PD reconciles and approves pcard via 3rd party software
    e. Maximum limit of $500
    f. No ATM capabilities
    g. Student will retain and submit all receipts to PI/PD
    h. Declining balance pcards are returned to Business Services after the event
    i. Unused funds will revert back to Macalester
    j. Student signs “Statement of Personal Responsibility”
  5. Student reimbursement (Mac & non-Mac students)a. Receipts submitted with “Payment Request”

Travel expense reporting requirements:

  1. Receipts are always preferred
  2. Receipts are required for transactions $75 and over (IRS reg.)
  3. Group meals
    i.    Request a separate check for your meal
    ii.   Use a smartphone to take a photo of your portion of group meal tally
    iii.  If your portion of the meal is $75 or over, itemized receipts are required.
  4. When receipts are not available, options are:
    a. Keep a log of small expenses and certify federal funds were not used for unallowable purchases.
    b. Utilize the “Missing Receipt Declaration” form for purchases $75 and over.
  5. Refer to Grants Accountant at 651-696-6354 for specific details on unallowable expenses