Mite Harvestmen, Gummy Tape Worms, Crabs – They’re All in Sarah Boyer’s Office

Biology Professor Sarah Boyer gives a tour of her unique office.

Sarah BoyerProfessor Boyer is interested in the diversity and evolution of animal life. She takes a phylogenetic approach to questions in evolutionary biology, using both molecular and morphological data. Current research projects in her lab focus on understanding the evolution of mite harvestmen (tiny daddy long-legs) in the Wet Tropics of Queensland, Australia. She also works on population genetics and DNA barcoding of local freshwater mussels, with support from the National Park Service. Professor Boyer works closely with undergraduates in both lab and field settings and has published papers with student coauthors. She teaches Biodiversity and Evolution, one of the courses in the Department’s core sequence, as well as upper level courses in biogeography, evolution, and biodiverstiy. Other interests include travel, novels, food, family, friends and the great outdoors.

Boyer Talks about Daddy Long Legs

From our podcast archives: Did you know that daddy long legs are not spiders. Biology Professor Sarah Boyer knows quite a bit about this type of arachnid. She has been studying it to learn more about the geological history of the earth. This research has received attention from the New York Times and was chosen as an editor’s choice paper in the journal Science. Find out what it’s all about.

Photo Credit: Mite harvestmen, Courtesy of Gonzalo Giribet, Harvard University

October 27 2010

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