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Lisa Peterson ’81, PhD

Lisa Peterson ’81, PhD
University of Minnesota
Professor, Division of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota

I think having a liberal arts degree influenced me in several ways. I work at the interface of chemistry and biology, so my ability to major in chemistry but still be able to take many biology classes provided me with a strong foundation for my career in chemical toxicology. So much of my job is not strictly scientific—managing people and projects; writing manuscripts, grants proposals, and progress reports; translating science into public policy recommendations to name a few. My non-science courses at Mac were very important in the development of the writing, critical thinking, and persuasive argument skills required for these activities.

The ability to explore different applications of chemistry really informed my decision to go to graduate school. I learned to be open to new experiences and to be accepting of people with different worldviews. I also benefited from the strong mentoring I received from Mac faculty. I try to model that mentoring with my own students and employees. Most importantly, I learned how to learn, which has been critical to staying current in my field.

I would advise Mac students to experiment, be curious, and have fun learning. Take that non-major class that intrigues you—it will help you down the road in ways you least expect.