Debarred Vendor Policy
Grants Accounting77 Mac Room 302b 651-696-6354
651-696-8282 (fax)
Policy: Procurement, Suspension and Debarment Requirements for Federal Grants
Macalester College is prohibited from contracting with or making subawards under covered transactions to parties that are suspended or debarred or whose principals are suspended or debarred by the federal government. The College will assure compliance to this federal regulation via confirmation from the Federal System for Award Management (SAM).
The purchase of goods or services with an expected value exceeding $25,000 related to a federal grant (funds 200000 – 204999) will require review of SAM to determine the possible suspended or debarred standing of the third party vendor.
Prior to completing the procurement, the Purchasing/ Accounts Payable Specialist will verify that third party vendor is not currently listed as suspended or debarred.
To access SAM online, visit the SAM website.

A “Search Records” button appears on the right hand side of the web page. A search result of the Vendor/TIN should show that the entity does not have an active exclusion. If the vendor is listed as either suspended or barred by SAM, the transaction with the effected vendor is to be terminated by the College, and negotiations with a vendor in good standing with SAM should be pursued.