LSC Programs
BIPOC Coalition. BIPOC Open House. First Generation Programs. Identity Collectives. Qmmunity Connections. Tea Time.
Macalester’s commitment to a diverse student body began more than 100 years ago. In 1915, Catharine Deaver Lealtad became Macalester’s first African American graduate. In 1942, Esther Torii Suzuki was admitted to Macalester, freeing her from the camp where her Japanese American family was interned during World War II. She later became a social worker and human rights activist. The college’s Lealtad-Suzuki Center for Social Justice honors their journeys and provides opportunities for current students to explore cross-cultural communication, identity, and multicultural education.
Our students graduate prepared to advance social justice and lead in a complex and diverse world.Marjorie Trueblood Former Dean of Multicultural Life