Course Descriptions
Environmental StudiesOlin-Rice Science Center, Room 249 651-696-6274
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Environmental Studies
ENVI 106 - Lakes, Streams and Rivers
Frequency: Offered occasionally.
Cross-Listed as: BIOL 106
ENVI 130 - Science of Renewable Energy
Frequency: Every year.
Cross-Listed as: PHYS 130
ENVI 133 - Environmental Science
Frequency: Spring semester.
ENVI 150 - Climate and Society
Frequency: Offered every other year.
ENVI 160 - Dynamic Earth and Global Change
Frequency: Every Fall.
Cross-Listed as: GEOL 160
ENVI 170 - Ecology and the Environment
Frequency: Offered every semester.
Cross-Listed as: BIOL 170
ENVI 172 - Psychology in the Material World
Frequency: Offered occasionally.
Cross-Listed as: PSYC 172
ENVI 180 - Oceanography
Frequency: Offered occasionally.
ENVI 194 - Topics Course
ENVI 202 - Sustainability and the Campus
Frequency: Offered occasionally.
ENVI 203 - Introduction to Urban Ecology
Frequency: Every year
Cross-Listed as: GEOG 203
ENVI 204 - Earth and the Environment: Elements of Physical Geography
Frequency: Every year; Spring semester.
Cross-Listed as: GEOG 204
ENVI 215 - Environmental Politics/Policy
Frequency: Every year.
Cross-Listed as: POLI 215
ENVI 220 - Environmental Geology
Frequency: Offered occasionally.
ENVI 221 - Environmental Ethics
Frequency: Offered occasionally.
Cross-Listed as: PHIL 221
ENVI 225 - 100 Words for Snow: Language and Nature
Frequency: Every year.
Cross-Listed as: LING 225.
ENVI 230 - Green Germany
Frequency: Offered occasionally.
Cross-Listed as: GERM 230
ENVI 231 - Environmental Economics and Policy
Frequency: Offered occasionally.
Cross-Listed as: ECON 231
ENVI 232 - Food, Agriculture and the Environment
Frequency: Every year.
Cross-Listed as: GEOG 232
ENVI 234 - U.S. Environmental History
Frequency: Every year.
Cross-Listed as: HIST 234
ENVI 235 - Climate Change: Science, Economics, and Policy
Frequency: Offered occasionally.
Cross-Listed as: ECON 235
ENVI 236 - Consumer Nation: American Consumer Culture in the 20th Century
Frequency: Offered occasionally.
Cross-Listed as: HIST 236
ENVI 237 - Environmental Justice
Frequency: Every year.
Cross-Listed as: AMST 237
ENVI 239 - Neotropical Landscapes
Frequency: Every year; Fall semester.
ENVI 240 - The Earth's Climate System
Frequency: Every year.
ENVI 252 - Water and Power
Frequency: Offered occasionally.
ENVI 254 - Population 8 Billion: Global Population Issues and Trends
Frequency: Offered occasionally.
Cross-Listed as: GEOG 254
ENVI 258 - Geog of Environmental Hazards
Frequency: Every year.
Cross-Listed as: GEOG 258
ENVI 259 - Indigenous Peoples of the Arctic
Frequency: Alternate years.
Cross-Listed as: ANTH 259
ENVI 262 - Studies in Literature and the Natural World
Frequency: Every year.
Cross-Listed as: ENGL 262.
ENVI 264 - Convergence: Art/Science/Design in Our City
Frequency: Offered occasionally.
ENVI 268 - American Culture in the Atomic Age
Frequency: Spring semester only.
Cross-Listed as: AMST 268
ENVI 270 - Psychology of Sustainable Behavior
Frequency: Every year.
Prerequisite(s): PSYC 100 for Psychology majors.
Cross-Listed as: PSYC 270
ENVI 273 - Psychology and/of Climate Change
Frequency: Yearly.
Cross-Listed as: PSYC 273
ENVI 274 - Spinoza's Eco-Society: Contractless Society and Its Ecology
Frequency: Offered occasionally.
ENVI 275 - Outdoor Environmental Education in Theory, Policy and Practice
Frequency: Every Fall.
ENVI 277 - Sustainable Cities: Urban Environmental Science
just beginning to understand humans as organisms that influence their environment. Cities are hubs of activity that influence the physical structure, climate, element and energy cycling, and plant and animal communities within the urban footprint. However,
these urban environments are influential well beyond their perceived borders. Urban ecologists are expanding their focus from ecology in cities, where they studied urban plants and wildlife, to the ecology of cities, where they consider human-biological interactions with increasing attention to the complex interplay among people, society, and environment. Importantly, this course acknowledges how the lived experiences of urban dwellers vary tremendously, both within and across cities. This course examines current developments in urban ecology and looks at the role it can play in planning and managing urban environments to create equitable futures for all.
Frequency: Offered occasionally.
Cross-Listed as: BIOL 277
ENVI 280 - Environmental Classics
Frequency: Every year.
ENVI 281 - The Andes: Landscape and Power
Frequency: Alternate years.
ENVI 294 - Topics Course
ENVI 310 - Agroecology
Frequency: Alternate years.
Prerequisite(s): ENVI 170 or permission of instructor.
Cross-Listed as: BIOL 310
ENVI 335 - Science and Citizenship
Frequency: Offered occasionally.
Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing or permission of instructor.
Cross-Listed as: POLI 335
ENVI 337 - Energy Justice
Frequency: Alternate years.
Prerequisite(s): ENVI 215
Cross-Listed as: POLI 337
ENVI 340 - US Urban Environmental History
Frequency: Offered occasionally.
Cross-Listed as: HIST 340
ENVI 343 - Imperial Nature: The United States and the Global Environment
Frequency: Offered occasionally.
Cross-Listed as: HIST 343
ENVI 350 - Renewable Energy Systems
Frequency: Alternate fall semesters.
Prerequisite(s): Mathematics preparation though elementary calculus (equivalent to MATH 135)
Cross-Listed as: PHYS 350
ENVI 352 - Remote Sensing of the Environment
Frequency: Offered every year.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor.
Cross-Listed as: GEOG 352
ENVI 359 - Big Data in Ecology
Frequency: Alternate years.
Cross-Listed as: BIOL 359
ENVI 360 - Paleoclimate
Frequency: Every other Spring.
Cross-Listed as: GEOL 360
ENVI 362 - Arctic Ecology
upper-level biology course, Arctic Ecology aims to challenge students to improve their science communication skills through varied written, spoken, and visual presentations. Students will also be challenged to synthesize content across systems and create novel hypotheses about current and future impacts of change at a species, community, ecosystem, and landscape scale. Three lecture hours each week.
Frequency: Offered alternate years.
Prerequisite(s): BIOL 170
Cross-Listed as: BIOL 362
ENVI 366 - Plant Ecophysiology
Frequency: Offered occasionally.
Cross-Listed as: BIOL 366
ENVI 368 - Sustainable Development and Global Future
Frequency: Offered occasionally.
Cross-Listed as: INTL 368
ENVI 370 - Ecosystem Ecology
Frequency: Every year.
Cross-Listed as: BIOL 370
ENVI 375 - Rural Landscapes and Livelihoods
Frequency: Offered occasionally.
Cross-Listed as: GEOG 375
ENVI 380 - Animal Behavior: Fundamentals and Applications
Frequency: Fall semester only.
Cross-Listed as: BIOL 380
ENVI 385 - Wildlife Monitoring Techniques
Frequency: Spring semester only.
Cross-Listed as: BIOL 385
ENVI 392 - Topics Course
ENVI 394 - Topics Course
ENVI 477 - Comparative Environment and Development: A Seminar in Political Ecology
Frequency: Offered every other year.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Prior completion of a geography course(s) with an environmental or development focus is encouraged.
ENVI 478 - Another World is Possible: The Political Economy of Urban Sustainability
Frequency: Generally offered every other year.
Corequisite(s): Permission of instructor.
Cross-Listed as: GEOG 478
ENVI 485 - Wildlife Conservation in the Anthropocene: An International Perspective
Frequency: Fall semester only.
Prerequisite(s): BIOL 170
Cross-Listed as: BIOL 485
ENVI 489 - Environmental Leadership Practicum
Frequency: Every year.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor required.
Corequisite(s): ENVI 490
ENVI 490 - Envi St Leadership Seminar
Frequency: Every year.
Prerequisite(s): For Environmental Studies majors only.
Corequisite(s): ENVI 489
ENVI 494 - Topics Course
ENVI 611 - Independent Project
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and department chair.
ENVI 612 - Independent Project
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and department chair.
ENVI 613 - Independent Project
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and department chair.
ENVI 614 - Independent Project
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and department chair.
ENVI 621 - Internship
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with Internship Office.
ENVI 622 - Internship
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with Internship Office.
ENVI 623 - Internship
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with Internship Office.
ENVI 624 - Internship
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with Internship Office.
ENVI 631 - Preceptorship
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with Academic Programs.
ENVI 632 - Preceptorship
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with Academic Programs.
ENVI 633 - Preceptorship
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with Academic Programs.
ENVI 634 - Preceptorship
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with Academic Programs.
ENVI 641 - Honors Independent
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and department chair.
ENVI 642 - Honors Independent
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and department chair.
ENVI 643 - Honors Independent
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and department chair.
ENVI 644 - Honors Independent
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and department chair.