The Words, February 2019
The Words: Macalester's English Student NewsletterSenior Newsletter Editors:
Birdie Keller '25
Daniel Graham '26
Callisto Martinez '26
Jizelle Villegas '26
Associate Newsletter Editors:
Ahlaam Abdulwali '25
Beja Puškášová '26
Sarah Tachau '27
Peyton Williamson '27

Professor Marlon James’ New Book has Literary World Buzzing
Sophie Hilker ’20
Professor Marlon James’ new fantasy novel Black Leopard, Red Wolf, published by Riverhead Books and released on February 5th, has already set the literary world buzzing. Heralded as the “African Game of Thrones” and a contemporary of Black Panther, the book has garnered rave reviews from The Huffington Post, Tor.com, and the likes of Neil Gaiman and Louise Erdrich. Gaiman praised the “fantasy world as well-realized as anything Tolkien made, with language as powerful as Angela Carter’s” and Erdrich added, “Black Leopard, Red Wolf is a fabulous cascade of storytelling. Sink right in. I guarantee you will be swept downstream.” Read more about Professor James’ new book…

Meet the Candidates for Mac’s Newest Poetry Professor
Jen Katz ’19
Do you want to share your opinion on who the newest Professor of Creative Writing will be? Don’t miss this month’s opportunity to help guide the future of the English Department! For months, a committee within the department has been conducting a search for an Associate or Assistant Professor of Creative Writing – Poetry specializing in Native American, Latinx, or Asian American literature. Majors, minors, and all members of the Macalester English community have the incredible opportunity over the next few weeks to meet and give feedback on the four final candidates. Learn more about the search for a new professor…

A Premiere Opportunity for Playwrights and Actors
Miriam Moore-Keish ’19
Throughout July, August, and September, I attended rehearsals for the Eden Prairie Players’ annual collection of one-act plays, performed during the last two weeks of September. Founded in 1992, The Eden Prairie Players carry out their mission of “inspiring and nurturing theatre opportunities for artists and volunteers, and entertaining and challenging theatre experiences for audiences.” Read about Eden Prairie Players’ exciting opportunities…
The Words Welcomes New Staff
Alex Harrington ’19 & Jen Katz ’19

Welcome back to students, faculty, and staff alike! Outside may be cold, but in the English Department we have nothing but warm reunions and welcomes. This spring, we have the pleasure of welcoming new Social Media Strategist Malcolm Cooke ’21 and Newsletter Editor Sophie Hilker ’20 to The Words team. Learn a little more about them below. Learn more about our new staff members…
Alex Harrington ’19

We are thrilled to have the work of creative writing major Cole Chang ’19 opening a frosty spring semester’s “Wordplay.” Cole grew up in New York and tends to write about his family, in particular his father with regard to race, cultural heritage and what it means to be a biracial Chinese-American. In addition to creative writing, Cole is also a studio art major and likes to work in painting and photography. He is a big fan of hats, Li-Young Lee, and socialism. Read Cole’s poetry…
Newsletter Staff
Senior Editor
Alex Harrington ’19
Jen Katz ’19
Associate Editors
Sophie Hilker ’20
Miriam Moore-Keish ’19
Social Media Strategist
Malcolm Cooke ’21