Faculty Search Finalists Visit the English Department
The Words: Macalester's English Student NewsletterSenior Newsletter Editors:
Birdie Keller '25
Daniel Graham '26
Callisto Martinez '26
Jizelle Villegas '26
Associate Newsletter Editors:
Ahlaam Abdulwali '25
Beja Puškášová '26
Sarah Tachau '27
Peyton Williamson '27
by Kira Schukar ’22

The Macalester English Department is looking for a new Medieval Studies professor to join its faculty. Last semester, a search committee made up of current faculty and student representatives Chloë Moore ‘24 and Alex Ang ‘22 read over one hundred applications and narrowed their choices down to the final candidates. This semester, students in the department are invited to participate in the final stages of the search process. In previous searches, the department has held in-person events with candidates, but because of the pandemic and high case rates in Minnesota, candidates are hosting Job Talks—or short lectures—and other events virtually.
As student representatives, Alex and Chloë provide a vital perspective for the committee. “At the end of the day,” Alex wrote to The Words over email, “these choices are being made to benefit the education of students. Rarely do we have a huge say in the way we learn, and I think this is a crucial part about giving students more power in the process.”
Throughout the search process, Chloë has felt that her input is welcome and encouraged. “Sometimes it’s difficult to get myself amped up to present a different point of view from what one of the ‘real adults’ says,” they wrote in an email to The Words, “but fortunately Professor Bognanni meant it when he said he wanted students to engage, so it’s a very welcoming environment.”
For the next stage in the search process, the department is welcoming the candidates to campus for virtual visits. “I think we’re all looking forward to meeting these candidates!” Alex wrote. “I’m quite passionate about spreading the joy of our major, and I am excited to talk to these candidates and show them the ways in which our department is special.”
Students are invited to attend virtual Job Talks with the final candidates. Job Talks are a fantastic opportunity to learn more about Medieval Studies and hear current scholarship in the field. Look for more information about the talks and the link to register in the Mac Daily.
Additionally, Chloë invites students to reach out to them about the hiring process. “If any students have really strong feelings about what they want out of the new hire,” she wrote, “they should feel free to email me and I can make sure the committee hears about it!” Chloë’s email is [email protected].