Course Descriptions
Asian Languages and Cultures Department OfficeHumanities Rooms 107 & 108 651-696-6487
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Asian Studies | Chinese | Japanese
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Asian Studies
ASIA 111 - Introduction to Asian Studies
Frequency: Every year.
ASIA 112 - Buddhist Literature
Frequency: Alternate years.
Cross-Listed as: RELI 112
ASIA 113 - Introduction to Buddhism
Cross-Listed as: RELI 111
ASIA 114 - Introduction to Asian American Studies
Frequency: Fall semester only.
Cross-Listed as: AMST 114
ASIA 123 - Masterpieces of Chinese Literature
Cross-Listed as: CHIN 123
ASIA 124 - Dharma and Dao: Big Ideas in India and China
Frequency: Every year.
Cross-Listed as: RELI 124
ASIA 127 - Religions of India
Frequency: Alternate years.
Prerequisite(s): RELI 124 or permission of instructor.
Cross-Listed as: RELI 127
ASIA 140 - Introduction to East Asian Civilization
Frequency: Every year.
Cross-Listed as: HIST 140
ASIA 150 - Language and Gender in Japanese Society
Frequency: Offered alternate years.
ASIA 172 - Cambodia: Empire to Today
Frequency: Alternate years.
Cross-Listed as: RELI 172
ASIA 194 - Topics Course
ASIA 205 - Chinese and Sinophone Music
Frequency: Alternate years.
Prerequisite(s): No prior knowledge of musical instrument, notation, or Chinese languages is assumed.
Cross-Listed as: MUSI 205
ASIA 211 - Asian Philosophies
Frequency: Spring semester.
Cross-Listed as: PHIL 211
ASIA 220 - Foreign Policy: The Evolution of China's Grand Strategy, 1950-2050
Frequency: Every year
Prerequisite(s): POLI 120 recommended, but not required.
Cross-Listed as: POLI 220
ASIA 236 - Sanskrit and Classical Religion in India
Frequency: Alternate years.
ASIA 241 - Reclaiming Zen, Yoga and Church: Asian American Religions
Frequency: Spring semester only.
ASIA 244 - The Political Economy of Asia
Frequency: Every year; fall semester.
Cross-Listed as: GEOG 244
ASIA 251 - Cramming for the Exam: Education in Chinese Literature and History
Frequency: Offered occasionally.
ASIA 254 - Japanese Film and Animation: From the Salaryman to the Shojo
Frequency: Alternate years.
Cross-Listed as: JAPA 254
ASIA 255 - China on Screen
Cross-Listed as: CHIN 255
ASIA 256 - India and its Neighbors: The Anthropology of South Asia
Frequency: Alternate years.
Cross-Listed as: ANTH 256
ASIA 258 - Gender and Sexuality in China
ASIA 260 - Narratives of Alienation: 20th Century Japanese Fiction and Film
Frequency: Alternate years.
Cross-Listed as: JAPA 260
ASIA 265 - Contemporary Mongolia: Livelihoods, Economies and Environments
Frequency: Offered occasionally.
Cross-Listed as: GEOG 265
ASIA 270 - Religious Images/Spaces Asia
Cross-Listed as: ART 270
ASIA 272 - Art of China
Frequency: Fall semester.
Cross-Listed as: ART 272
ASIA 273 - Art of Japan
Cross-Listed as: ART 273
ASIA 274 - The Great Tradition in China before 1840
Frequency: Alternate years.
Cross-Listed as: HIST 274
ASIA 275 - The Rise of Modern China
Frequency: Every year.
Cross-Listed as: HIST 275
ASIA 276 - The Great Tradition in Japan before 1853
Frequency: Alternate years.
Cross-Listed as: HIST 276
ASIA 277 - The Rise of Modern Japan
Frequency: Every year.
Cross-Listed as: HIST 277
ASIA 282 - Language and Identity in Japanese, Asian-American, and Other Communities
Frequency: Alternate years.
ASIA 283 - Bruce Lee, His Life and Legacy
Frequency: Every year.
ASIA 289 - Not Your Model Minority: Japanese Americans from Incarceration to Redress and Beyond
Frequency: Spring semester only.
Cross-Listed as: AMST 289
ASIA 294 - Topics Course
ASIA 315 - U.S. Imperialism from the Philippines to Viet Nam
Frequency: Spring semester.
ASIA 320 - Asian Cities
Frequency: Every spring.
Cross-Listed as: GEOG 320
ASIA 327 - Japanese Art and the (Inter)National Modern
Frequency: Alternate years.
Prerequisite(s): No prerequisites required; First Years are welcome.
Cross-Listed as: ART 327
ASIA 336 - Japanese Sociocultural Linguistics
Frequency: Alternate years.
Prerequisite(s): JAPA 204 or permission of the instructor.
ASIA 340 - Living on the Edge: The Asian American Experience
ASIA 350 - Embodiment and Subjectivity in Later Chinese Art
Frequency: Offered occasionally.
Cross-Listed as: ART 350
ASIA 352 - Translating Chinese
Frequency: Spring semester only.
Prerequisite(s): CHIN 305 or its equivalent.
Cross-Listed as: CHIN 352
ASIA 353 - Cyber China: Internet and Contemporary Culture
Prerequisite(s): CHIN 204, the equivalent language proficiency, or permission of instructor.
Cross-Listed as: CHIN 353
ASIA 378 - War Crimes and Memory in East Asia
Frequency: Offered occasionally.
Cross-Listed as: HIST 378
ASIA 394 - Topics Course
ASIA 494 - Topics Course
ASIA 611 - Independent Project
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): ASIA 111 and two other courses related to Asia and permission of instructor and department chair must be obtained prior to the start of the semester. Junior or Senior standing.
ASIA 612 - Independent Project
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): ASIA 111 and two other courses related to Asia and permission of instructor and department chair must be obtained prior to the start of the semester. Junior or Senior standing.
ASIA 613 - Independent Project
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): ASIA 111 and two other courses related to Asia and permission of instructor and department chair must be obtained prior to the start of the semester. Junior or Senior standing.
ASIA 614 - Independent Project
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): ASIA 111 and two other courses related to Asia and permission of instructor and department chair must be obtained prior to the start of the semester. Junior or Senior standing.
ASIA 621 - Internship
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): ASIA 111 and permission of instructor. Work with Internship Office.
ASIA 622 - Internship
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): ASIA 111 and permission of instructor. Work with Internship Office.
ASIA 623 - Internship
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): ASIA 111 and permission of instructor. Work with Internship Office.
ASIA 624 - Internship
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): ASIA 111 and permission of instructor. Work with Internship Office.
ASIA 631 - Preceptorship
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with Academic Programs.
ASIA 632 - Preceptorship
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with Academic Programs.
ASIA 633 - Preceptorship
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with Academic Programs.
ASIA 634 - Preceptorship
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with Academic Programs.
ASIA 641 - Honors Independent
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and department chair.
ASIA 642 - Honors Independent
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and department chair.
ASIA 643 - Honors Independent
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and department chair.
ASIA 644 - Honors Independent
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and department chair.
CHIN 101 - First Year Chinese I
Frequency: Every fall.
CHIN 102 - First Year Chinese II
Frequency: Spring semester.
Prerequisite(s): CHIN 101.
CHIN 123 - Masterpieces of Chinese Literature
Cross-Listed as: ASIA 123
CHIN 125 - Classical Chinese
Corequisite(s): Third Year Chinese or above, or Fourth Year Japanese or above.
Cross-Listed as: JAPA 125
CHIN 194 - Topics Course
CHIN 203 - Second Year Chinese I
Frequency: Fall semester.
Prerequisite(s): CHIN 102
CHIN 204 - Second Year Chinese II
Frequency: Spring semester.
Prerequisite(s): CHIN 203.
CHIN 251 - Cramming for the Exam: Education in Chinese Literature and History
Frequency: Offered occasionally.
CHIN 255 - China on Screen
Cross-Listed as: ASIA 255
CHIN 258 - Gender and Sexuality in China
CHIN 294 - Topics Course
CHIN 305 - Third Year Chinese I
Frequency: Fall semester.
Prerequisite(s): CHIN 204.
CHIN 306 - Third Year Chinese II
Frequency: Spring semester.
Prerequisite(s): CHIN 305.
CHIN 352 - Translating Chinese
Frequency: Spring semester only.
Prerequisite(s): CHIN 305 or its equivalent.
Cross-Listed as: ASIA 352
CHIN 353 - Cyber China: Internet and Contemporary Culture
Prerequisite(s): CHIN 204, the equivalent language proficiency, or permission of instructor .
Cross-Listed as: ASIA 353
CHIN 407 - Fourth Year Chinese I
Frequency: Fall semester.
Prerequisite(s): CHIN 306.
CHIN 408 - Fourth Year Chinese II
Prerequisite(s): CHIN 407.
CHIN 409 - Chinese in Context
Prerequisite(s): CHIN 407 or equivalent.
CHIN 494 - Topics Course
CHIN 611 - Independent Project
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Three college-level courses related to Chinese speaking countries. Permission of instructor and department chair must be obtained prior to the start of the semester.
CHIN 612 - Independent Project
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Three college-level courses related to Chinese speaking countries. Permission of instructor and department chair must be obtained prior to the start of the semester.
CHIN 613 - Independent Project
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Three college-level courses related to Chinese speaking countries. Permission of instructor and department chair must be obtained prior to the start of the semester.
CHIN 614 - Independent Project
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Three college-level courses related to Chinese speaking countries. Permission of instructor and department chair must be obtained prior to the start of the semester.
CHIN 641 - Honors Independent
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and department chair.
CHIN 642 - Honors Independent
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and department chair.
CHIN 643 - Honors Independent
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and department chair.
CHIN 644 - Honors Independent
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and department chair.
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JAPA 101 - First Year Japanese I
Frequency: Fall semester.
JAPA 102 - First Year Japanese II
Prerequisite(s): JAPA 101 or its equivalent.
JAPA 125 - Classical Chinese
Prerequisite(s): Third Year Chinese or above, or Fourth Year Japanese or above.
Cross-Listed as: CHIN 125
JAPA 150 - Language and Gender in Japanese Society
Frequency: Offered alternate years.
JAPA 194 - Topics Course
JAPA 203 - Second Year Japanese I
Frequency: Fall semester.
Prerequisite(s): JAPA 102 or its equivalent.
JAPA 204 - Second Year Japanese II
Frequency: Spring semester.
Prerequisite(s): JAPA 203 or its equivalent.
JAPA 254 - Japanese Film and Animation: From the Salaryman to the Shojo
Frequency: Alternate years.
Cross-Listed as: ASIA 254
JAPA 260 - Narratives of Alienation: 20th Century Japanese Fiction and Film
Frequency: Alternate years.
Cross-Listed as: ASIA 260
JAPA 282 - Language and Identity in Japanese, Asian-American, and Other Communities
Frequency: Alternate years.
JAPA 288 - Identity, Race, and Ethnicity in Japan
Frequency: Alternate years.
JAPA 294 - Topics Course
JAPA 305 - Third Year Japanese I
Frequency: Fall semester.
Prerequisite(s): JAPA 204 or permission of instructor.
JAPA 306 - Third Year Japanese II
Frequency: Spring semester.
Prerequisite(s): JAPA 305 or permission of instructor.
JAPA 336 - Japanese Sociocultural Linguistics
Frequency: Alternate years.
Prerequisite(s): JAPA 204 or permission of the instructor.
JAPA 394 - Topics Course
JAPA 407 - Fourth Year Japanese I
Frequency: Fall semester.
Prerequisite(s): JAPA 306 or permission of instructor.
JAPA 408 - Fourth Year Japanese II
Frequency: Spring semester.
JAPA 488 - Translating Japanese Literature: Theory and Practice
Frequency: Every year.
Prerequisite(s): JAPA 305 - Third Year Japanese I or higher.
Cross-Listed as: LING 488
JAPA 494 - Topics Course
JAPA 601 - Tutorial
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and department chair.
JAPA 602 - Tutorial
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and department chair.
JAPA 603 - Tutorial
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and department chair.
JAPA 604 - Tutorial
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and department chair.
JAPA 611 - Independent Project
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Three college-level courses related to Japan. Permission of instructor and department chair must be obtained prior to the start of the semester.
JAPA 612 - Independent Project
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Three college-level courses related to Japan. Permission of instructor and department chair must be obtained prior to the start of the semester.
JAPA 613 - Independent Project
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Three college-level courses related to Japan. Permission of instructor and department chair must be obtained prior to the start of the semester.
JAPA 614 - Independent Project
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Three college-level courses related to Japan. Permission of instructor and department chair must be obtained prior to the start of the semester.
JAPA 631 - Preceptorship
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with Academic Programs.
JAPA 632 - Preceptorship
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with Academic Programs.
JAPA 633 - Preceptorship
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with Academic Programs.
JAPA 634 - Preceptorship
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with Academic Programs.
JAPA 641 - Honors Independent
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and department chair.
JAPA 642 - Honors Independent
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and department chair.
JAPA 643 - Honors Independent
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and department chair.
JAPA 644 - Honors Independent
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and department chair.