Satoko Suzuki

DeWitt Wallace Professor of Asian Languages and Cultures
Office Hours: Tuesday 1:30-3:00 p.m., Thursday 3:00-4:30 p.m.
Satoko Suzuki, DeWitt Wallace Professor of the Department of Asian Languages & Cultures, specializes in Japanese linguistics and teaches Japanese language and linguistics courses. As a language teacher, she mostly teaches the beginning and fourth-year levels. The linguistics courses she has taught include JAPA/LING150 (Language and Gender in Japanese Society), ASIA/JAPA/LING281 (Dialects, Multilingualism, and the Politics of Speaking Japanese), and a senior seminar ASIA/JAPA/LING 335 (Analyzing Japanese Language).
She has edited Emotive Communication in Japanese (John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2006) and authored a number of journal articles and book chapters in the field of pragmatics. The journals in which her articles appeared include The Journal of Pragmatics, Pragmatics, Japanese Language and Literature, Studies in Language Sciences, and Linguistics.
Currently, she is interested in how cultural nationalism manifests itself in language. She recently published an article entitled “Nationalism lite? The commodification of non-Japanese speech in Japanese media” in Japanese Language and Literature (Special Section: The Politics of Speaking Japanese) and presented “An ideal Japanese woman? Domestication and alienation of a Scottish heroine in a Japanese TV drama” at the 9th International Gender and Language Association Conference at City University of Hong Kong.