After Macalester

Class of 2023
Lance Bartol ’23 (Grand Marais, Minnesota). Capstone Research: Effectiveness of Different Materials as Catalysts for Alkaline Water Electrolysis.
Mengxi Chen ’23 (Beijing, China). Capstone Research: Adding Classical Novae Contribution to the Isotopic Scaling Model.
Jackson Codd ’23 (Cambridge, Massachusetts). Honors Thesis: Extension of the LUX-ZEPLIN NR Background to 600 phd. After Mac: Gap year before beginning employment.
Ryan Davies ’23 (Seattle, Washington). Capstone Research: A High-Speed Portable Ground Heat Exchanger Model for Use in Various Energy Simulation Software.
Ross Ferguson ’23 (Portland, Oregon). Honors Thesis: Trinification with a Bi-Adjoint Higgs Field. After Mac: PhD program in Astronomy at the University of Minnesota.
David Geeganage ’23 (Indianapolis, Indiana). Honors Thesis: Using Models of Cloud Formation to Address the RH Effect in Low Cost PM Sensors.
Aurora Hively ’23 (Woodbury, Minnesota). Capstone Research: Mapping the Tesseral Field of Saturn. After Mac: PhD program in Mathematics at Rutgers University.
Jonathan Kazor ’23 (Potomac, Maryland). Capstone Research: Solar Radio Bursts –Deployable Low-band Ionosphere and Transients Experiment (DLITE) Arrays.
Erin Leary ’23 (Reno, Nevada). Capstone Research: Fabricating Perovskite Solar Cells: Fabrication Guide for Limited Lab Capabilities.
Josh Marine ’23 (Bend, Oregon). Capstone Research: Photometric Analysis of the Stellar Populations of 82 Low-Mass, Low-Metallicity Galaxies Using the Spitzer Space Telescope. After Mac: Gap year before beginning employment.
Ross Relic ’23 (Crystal Lake, Illinois). Capstone Research: Measuring the Pulse Duration of a Femtosecond Laser Using Intensity Autocorrelation.
Margaret Shepherd ’23 (Phoenix, Arizona). Honors Thesis: SHIELD Galaxies With Offset Neutral Gas Distributions. After Mac: PhD program in astronomy at the University of Illinois.
Paige Stevenson ’23 (Raleigh, North Carolina). Capstone Research: Machine Learning Applications for Materials Science: Predicting Properties of Two-Dimensional Magnetic Materials. After Mac: Program at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Haoxuan Sun ’23 (Zhangjiagang, China). Honors Thesis: Machine Learning Refinements to Metallicity-Dependent Isotopic Abundances. After Mac: Master program in Physics at Brown University.
Taylor Karlee ’23 (Seattle, Washington). Capstone Research: Hydrosphere: Modeling the Planetary Structure of Ocean Planets and Icy Moons. After Mac: Working in the field.
Dengyu Tu ’23 (Wuxi, China). Capstone Research: From Experiment to Theory: Investigate the Effect of Pump Beam Size on Photovoltaic Material Behavior.
Ezra Wolf ’23 (Ezra Wolf). Capstone Research: Tools for Refining the Baryonic Tully-Fisher Relation.
Xiaochuan (Chloe) Zheng ’23 (Guangzhou, China). Honors Thesis: Development of a Particle-in-Cell/Monte Carlo Simulation for Weakly Ionized Plasmas. After Mac: PhD program in Physics at Ohio State University.
Temazulu Zulu ’23 (Piggs Peak and Lobamba, Eswatini). Honors Thesis: SARS-CoV-2 Quantum Sensor Using NV Centers in Nanodiamonds. After Mac: Center for Nanoscale Systems Scholar at Harvard University.
Class of 2022
Jason Beal ’22 (Bethesda, MD). Capstone Research: Knocking Down NOx: Examining the Impact of Transportation Electrification on Urban Ozone Production. After Mac: Cycling across the UK, then starting a job in the air quality field.
Henry Bell ’22 (Boulder, CO). Honors Thesis: Custom Calibration and Correction of Photoemission Electron Microscope Images Using Graphene.
Damen Beverlin ’22 (Williamstown, WV). Capstone Research: Simulating Interactions Between Coronal Mass Ejections. After Mac: Ph.D. program in astronomy at University of Kentucky.
Jack Hempel Costello ’22 (Fort Collins, CO). Capstone Research: Lie Algebra and the Poincare Group.
Xueyi Li ’22 (China). Honors Thesis: Molecular Line Search in Archival ALMA Imaging of M87. After Mac: Grad school.
Alpha Ma ’22 (China). Capstone Research: FDTD Simulation of Ultrafast Experiments.
Susie Paine ’22 (Saint Joseph, MN). Honors Thesis: Hunting for Fast Radio Bursts from Messier 82: Exploring the FRB–Magnetar Connection. After Mac: Ph.D. program in astronomy at University of West Virginia.
Francesco Pecere ’22 (Milan, Italy). Capstone Research: The Survey of HI in Extremely Low-Mass Dwarfs: New Results from VLA Imaging. After Mac: Chemistry Graduate Program at Penn State, dual degree in chemistry and astrobiology.
Alyssa Rauschenberger ’22 (Urbana, IL). Honors Thesis: Spectral Fitting Approach for Collective Thomson Scattering Experiments on an Extreme Ultraviolet Plasma Light Source. After Mac: Ph.D. in Nuclear Science & Engineering at MIT.
Lev Serxner ’22 (Chicago, IL). Capstone Research: The Impact of Initial Abundances on Modeling the Weak s-Process.
Chinhsan Sieng ’22 (Battambang, Cambodia). Honors Thesis: Neutrino Oscillations in the Presence of a Magnetic Field. After Mac: Ph.D. at Cornell University.
Carter Swift ’22 (Eden Prairie, MN). Honors Thesis: The Interaction of Topological Defects in Anisotropically Elastic Nematic Liquid Crystals. After Mac: Physics PhD at The Ohio State University.
Joey Wehrley ’22 (Wauwatosa, WI). Capstone Research: Electrical Analysis of a PEM Electrolysis Cell.
Anogh Utkalika Zaman ’22 (Bangladesh). Capstone Research: Smart Grid Control: Demand Side Management in Household Refrigerators as a tool for Load Shifting.
Class of 2021
Jonathan Alvarado-Gomez ’21 (Santa Rosa, CA). Capstone Research: Modeling Gyrating Motion Using Mathematica.
Brennan Arnold ’21 (Appleton, WI). Capstone Research: Virtual Prototyping of Liquid Lithium Divertor Concepts. After Mac: Physics Program at the University of Rochester.
Danial Clark ’21 (Milwaukee, WI). Capstone Research: Method of Nonlinear Realizations: Maxwell Algebra.
Elizabeth (Emmy) Curtis ’21 (Berkeley, CA). Capstone Research: Electrical Grid Energy Storage Using Hydrogen: A Feasibility Study.
Jackson Henningfield ’21 (Celebration, FL). Capstone Research: Simulation Studies for Grid Storage Optimization of the MISO Region. After Mac: Masters degree program in engineering from the University of West Florida.
Sarah Lipstone ’21 (Rochester, MN). Capstone Research: Electromagnetic Waves with Parity Violation.
Diego Lopez Gutierrez ’21 (Lima, Peru). Honors Thesis: Automatic Leptonic Tensor Generation for Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) Theories. After Mac: Research Fellow at Harvard University.
Sun Gyu Park ’21 (Seoul, South Korea). Capstone Research: Characterization of GaAsN with Ultrafast Conductivity Measurements. After Mac: Engineer for Walmart.
Kayla Schang ’21 ( Appleton, WI). Honors Thesis: Geomorphology and Crater Identification for the Azacca Crater Region on Ceres. After Mac: Planetary Science Track of Physics PHD Program at the University of Central Florida.
Siddhant Singh ’21 (Lucknow, India). Capstone Research: A Tantal-izing Review of the Laser Spectroscopy of Niobium and Tantalum Hydride. After Mac: Mechanical Engineering PhD program at the University of Michigan.
Nick Velikonja ’21 (Brooklyn, NY). Capstone Research: Sampling Candidate Reionization Galaxies using Spectral Energy Distribution Fitting.
Class of 2020
Josh Bartz ’20 (Omaha, NE). Capstone research: Determining Tidal Interactions Between the Leoncino Dwarf and UGC 5186.
Lilly Braltz-Kelley ’20 (Urbana, IL). Capstone Research: ALFALFA Harvest: HI Imaging and 3d Modeling of Candidate Local Group and Dwarf Galaxies. After Mac: Graduate school at the University of Illinois.
Alyssa Bulatek ’20 (Park Bridge, IL). Honors Thesis: Design and Modal Analysis of an Ultra-Wideband Receiver for Green Bank Observatory. After Mac: Graduate School at the University of Florida.
James Cannon ’20 (Lisbon, IA). Honors Thesis: Electrical Measurement of SRAM Cell Variation and Sensitivity to Single-Event Upsets by Low Energy Protons. After Mac: Graduate School at the University of Colorado.
Sarah Chinsky ’20 (Marion, IA). Honors Thesis: Band Extension and Possible Ridge Compression on Europa.
Nate Davis ’20 (Aitkin, MN). Capstone research: Modeling Scavenging For a Hydraulic-Free Piston Engine.
Hannah Gilbonio ‘ 20 (Houston, TX). Capstone Research: Crumpling of Graphene Optimizes Graphene Field Effect Transistors (GFETS) as Biosensors. After Mac: Graduate School at Emory University.
Jacob Hetrick ’20 (Phoenix, AZ). Capstone Research: A Search for Pulsars Toward the Galactic Center. After Mac: Employed at Epic Systems, Madison, WI.
Brynn Keller ’20 (Park Ridge, IL). Capstone Research: Searching for Doublet Vector Like Leptons Using the ATLAS Particle Detector.
Kieran Liming ’20 (Alpharetta, GA). Capstone Research: Deposition of TiN for Battery and Superconductor Electrodes for Energy Storage of a Nintendo Wii Controller. After Mac: Graduate School at Iowa State.
Riley McGlasson ’20 (Eden Prairie, MN). Honors Thesis: Shape Model of Potentially Hazardous Asteroid (1981) Midas from Radar and Lightcurve Observations. After Mac: Graduate School at Purdue.
Andrew Mizener ‘ 20 (Omaha, NE). Honors Thesis: Probing the Magnetic Fields in Cosmic Web Filaments. After Mac: Graduate School at UMass.
Nick Moore ’20 (Georgetown, MA). Capstone Research: Large Scale Grid Integration of Wind and Solar Power with Storage.
Tylyn Page ’20 (Los Gatos, CA). Capstone Research: The Leoncino Dwarf: A Neutral Hydrogen Analysis of AGC 198691 and its Extremely Metal-Poor Environment.
William Setterberg ’20 (Minneapolis, MN). Honors Thesis: Nitrogen Vacancy Center Optical Magnetometry of a Barium-Iron-Cobalt Superconductor. After Mac: Graduate School at the University of Minnesota.
Jacob Weightman ’20 (St. Paul, MN). Capstone Research: Fabrication of Nanoscale Columnar Diodes by Glancing Angle Deposition.
Anya Wolterman ’20 (Madison, WI). Capstone Research: Monte Carlo Glauber Modeling of High Energy Pb+Pb and Au+Au Collisions. After Mac: Working for the Southwest Conservation Corps based out of Salida, CO as part of the 14er crew.
Salamong Xiong ’20 (St. Paul, MN). Capstone Research: SuperCDMS: Energy Calibration of a Ge HV Particle Detector.
Elena Youngdale ’20 (Minneapolis, MN). Capstone Research: Development of High Performance Asphalt Composite for Mitigating Pavement Cracking.
Class of 2019
Kelly Flugaur-Leavitt ’19 (Plymouth, MN). Capstone Research: Carrier Mobility of Bismuth-Doped Perovskite. After Mac: Technical Solutions Engineer at Epic Systems, Madison, WI.
Robert Ford ’19 (Richmond, CA). Capstone Research: The Neutral Hydrogen Kinematics of the Dwarf Galaxy Merger NGC 3239.
Greta Helmel ’19 (Minneapolis, MN). Honors Thesis: Recent Evolution of the Eta Carinae Supernova Imposter System. After Mac: Research assistant at the University of Minnesota.
Sam Hollenbach ’19 (Oakland, CA). Capstone Research: Understanding Solar Activity During the Last 400 Years. After Mac: Full-time Software Engineer at an energy management startup in Richmond, CA.
Ramon Molina ’19 (Los Angeles, CA). Capstone Research: Investigation on the Electrical Properties of CdO/ZnO Thin Films Using THz Spectroscopy. After Mac: M.S./Ph.D. Graduate Student Researcher, Advanced Power and Energy Program, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department, University of California, Irvine.
Dona Pantova ’19 (Chirpan, Bulgaria). Capstone Research: UV LED System for PL Measurements on GaN Samples.
Karen Pérez Sarmiento ’19 (San Nicolas Totolapan, Mexico). Capstone Research: Predictions from Observations of Dwarf Galaxies and Observable Rates with Ground-based Gravitational-wave Detectors.
Sarah Taft ’19 (Plymouth, MN). Capstone Research: Haro 11, Pox 186, and VCC 1313: The Enigmatic Behavior of HI Non-Emitters. After Mac: STEM Scholar Coach for the Schuler Scholar Program in Chicago, IL.
Class of 2018
Catherine Ball ’18 (Bellevue, WA). Honors Thesis: Star Formation Diagnostics in the Cosmic Eye. After Mac: PhD program in astrophysics, Cornell University.
Brian Eisner ’18 (Portland, OR). Honors Thesis: Surveying Radio Line Spectra of Nearby Galaxies. After Mac: PhD program in astrophysics, University of Virginia.
Alex Gordon ’18 (Chicago, IL). Honors Thesis: A Narrowband Emission-Line Survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud. After Mac: Teaching in the Schuler Scholar Program for AmeriCorps.
Theo Jacobson ’18 (San Diego, CA). Honors Thesis: Gravitational Leptogenesis and One-Loop Effective Actions. After Mac: Graduate school fellow, U of M, Ph.D. program CSENG Physics and Astronomy, Twin Cities.
Elizabeth Ruvolo ’18 (Toledo, OH). Honors Thesis: SHIELD: The HI Mass-Diameter Relation. After Mac: employed at Epic, Madison, WI.
Paul Chery ’18 (Peoria, AZ). Capstone Research: Modeling recombination in solar cells. After Mac: Laboratory Technician at 3M.
Callen Cotter ’18 (Madison, WI). Capstone Research: Actinometry of Hydrogen Plasmas. After Mac: Laboratory Technician in the Environmental Division of Pace Analytical.
Masao Miazzo ’18 (Philadelphia, PA). Capstone Research: Imaging the Neutral Gas of Extremely Low-mass Dwarfs.
Class of 2017
Kathleen Fitzgibbon ’17 (Springfield, IL). Capstone Research: A Direct Comparison of Lyman-Alpha and Neutral Hydrogen Morphologies. After Mac: Employed at Epic, Madison, WI.
Gunnar Footh ’17 (West Saint Paul, MN). Capstone Research: Transient Photoconductivity of a Thermoelectric Nanomaterial. After Mac: Masters program in Philosophy at Georgia State University.
Kelsey Harmatta ’17 (Seattle, WA). Capstone Research: Controlling Resistivity: Charge Carrier Density Modulation in Barium Stannate via Ion Gel Gating.
Eli Lilleskov ‘17 (Houghton, MI). Capstone Research: The Chiral Magnetic Effect.
Joshua Rollag ’17 (Buffalo, MN). Capstone Research: Intervalley Scattering in Tellurium. After Mac: Pursuing M.S. in electrical engineering at the University of Minnesota.
Quinton Singer ’17 (Bedford, MA). Capstone Research: Almost Dark Galaxies: The Search For Stellar Counterparts.
Elliot Weiss ’17 (Northhampton, MA). Capstone Research: Carrier Lifetime versus Temperature in an Intermediate Band Semiconductor. After Mac: Technical support for the medical devices company DiaSorin.
Sophia Wiedman ’17 (Saint Paul, MN). Capstone Research: Physical Principles Governing the Accumulation of Microbes during the Formation of a Biofilm.
Tayeb Zaidi ’17 (Oakland, CA). Honors Thesis: The Wavelet Methods for Photometric Supernova Classification. After Mac: Postbaccalureate premedical program, Bryn Mawr College, PA.
Class of 2016
Hannah Johlas (Ogden, IL). Honors Thesis: The Effects of Foundation Damping on Structural Demands in Yaw-Misaligned Offshore Wind Turbines. After Mac: pursuing Ph.D. in mechanical engineering at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Noah Lupu-Gladstein (Silver Spring, MD). Honors Thesis: Converting Heat into Electricity: Characterization of a Thermoelectric Nanomaterial. After Mac: pursuing Ph.D. in physics at the University of Toronto, Canada.
Chris Bisbee (Palo Alto, CA). Capstone Research: Energetic Behavior of Resistive Random-Access Memory Cells.
John Carlson (Clive, IA). Capstone Research: Dissociative Excitation of H 2 in a RF Plasma. Liam DiZio (St. Paul, MN). Capstone Research: Elastic Block Modeling of Fault Slip Rates across Southern California. After Mac: Lab technician with SGS in Anchorage, AK.
Asra Nizami (Karachi, Pakistan). Capstone Research: Adding functionality to Astropy: a community Python library for astronomers.
Beni Jonathan Pazár (Fox Point, WI). Capstone Research: Increasing the acceptance of H4e- events without losing statistical significance. After Mac: Plan to earn Ph.D. in high energy theory, possibly at Electricity de France-Renewable Energy Division.
Christian Stewart (New Ulm, MN). Capstone Research: The Effects of Hydrazine Surface Doping on CVD Graphene Films.
Alexander Stowell (Chippewa Falls, WI). Capstone Research: Langmuir Probe Measurements of an H 2 RF Plasma.
Ari Weiland (Highland Park, IL). Capstone Research: Protein Adsorption using a Lattice Toy Model. After Mac: Software engineer at Google in Mountain View, CA.
Ian Wyse (Portland, OR). Capstone Research: Rotational and Hyperfine Analysis of AuS.
Kovas Zygas (Michigan City, IN). Capstone Research: Photovoltaic applications of ZnO thin films generated by thermal oxidation of metallic Zn.
Class of 2015
Erik Alfvin ’15 (Shorewood, WI). Capstone Research: The Role of Cold Gas in Low-level Supermassive Black Hole Activity. After Mac: Working on astrophysics research at the University of Minnesota.
Andrew Banman ’15 (Beaverton, OR). Capstone Research: Mid-Infrared Excitation of Graphene. After Mac: Software engineer at SGI working to enable servers and supercomputers in the linux kernel.
Alexandra Boldin ’15 (Washington, DC). Capstone Research: Analysis of Spin Polarization in Half Metallic Heusler Alloys.
Brittany Ehmann ’15 (Island Lake, IL). Capstone Research: Ultrafast Photoconductivity Measurements of a Thermoelectric Nanocomposite: Tellurium Nanowire/PEDOT:PSS. After Mac: Pursuing M.S. in electrical engineering at the University of Minnesota.
Rhyan Foo Kune ’15 (St. Paul, MN). Capstone Research: Liquid Filled Photonic Crystal Fiber Trans- mission Scaling via Refractive Index Scaling.
Coco Jian Zhang ’15 (Beijing, China). Capstone Research: Application of resurgence theory to approximate inverse square potential in quantum mechanics. After Mac: Working in Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Charlotte Martinkus ’15 (Highland Park, IL). Honors Thesis: Do Tidal Interactions Trigger Starbursts in Dwarf Galaxies?
Ned Molter ’15 (Cedarburg, WI). Honors Thesis: Constraining the Properties of the Metal-Poor ISM with Interferometric CO Observations of Low Metallicity Dwarf Galaxies. After Mac: Research assistant at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center.
Dan Shi ’15 (Loveland, OH). Capstone Research: Investigating Color Management Technologies. After Mac: Working at Procter and Gamble.
Jared Willard ’15 (Lakeville, MN). Capstone Research: Simulating Correlated Disorder in Spin Glass. After Mac: Software engineer at Infinite Campus.
Class of 2014
Laura Avena ’14 (Cēsis, Latvia) is pursuing a PhD in inorganic chemistry at MIT.
Ruby Byrne ’14 (Portland, OR) is a technical aide at the 3M Corporate Research Lab in Woodbury, Minnesota.
Michael Darrow ’14 (Menlo Park, CA) is pursuing a graduate degree in Materials Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
John Graham ’14 (Wooster, OH) works for the Epic corporation in Verona, Wisconsin.
Aaron Laursen ’14 is a software development engineer for Google at the Mountain View, CA, headquarters.
Melissa Marshall ’14 is a software consultant at ThoughtWorks in San Francisco, CA.
Margaret Molter ’14 (Cedarburg, WI) is a mathematics teacher at Shattuck-Saint Mary.
Minh Nguyen ’14 (Hanoi, Vietnam) is pursuing a PhD in theoretical particle physics at the University of Minnesota.
Class of 2013
Elijah Bernstein-Cooper ’13 (Madison, WI) is an astrophysics PhD graduate student and research assistant, and NSF graduate research fellow at University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Allison Einolf ’13 (Portland, OR) is pursuing a PhD in Physical Oceanography at Oregon State University, College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Science.
Jacob Stein ’13 (Windermere, FL) is a computer programmer for Epic Systems, Madison, WI.
Michael Adams ’13 (Chippewa Falls, WI) is a pilot for the United States Air Force.
Banteaymolu Alebachew ’13 (Minneapolis, MN) is a front-end web developer for Success Factors, an SAP Company, in Minnetonka, Minn.
Ian Cave ’13 (Claremont, CA) is a software developer working in the Twin Cities.
Tyler Hill ’13 (Beaver Dam, WI) is a physics teacher at Wayland Academy.
Christopher Krapu ’13 (Valley City, ND) is pursuing a PhD in hydrology at Duke University.
Nadia Foo Kune ’13 (Minneapolis, MN) is a technical aid intern at 3M Company in St. Paul, Minn.
Jacob Moen ’13 (Grand Forks, ND) is pursuing a PhD in seismology at the University of Minnesota.
Samilee Moody ’13 (Mounds View, MN) is a visitor services associate at the Walker Art Center in
Minneapolis, Minn.
Stephen Pardy ’13 (Yarmouth, ME ) is pursuing a PhD in astronomy at the University of Wisconsin.
AnnaLeigh Smith ’13 (Chicago, IL) is working at the 3M Physics Research and Development department in Maplewood, Minn.
Clara Thomann ’13. (Corvallis, OR) is a lab technician at CH2M Hill.
Frederick Wade ’13 (Ormond Beach, FL) is a mechanical engineer for Aerojet corporation.
Class of 2012
Benjamin Alterman ’12 (Jamaica Plain, Mass.) is pursuing a PhD in applied physics at the University of Michigan.
Yilikal Ayino ’12 (Masha, Ethiopia) is pursuing a PhD in physics at the University of Minnesota.
Martin Blanchard ’12 (Lawrence, Kan.) is pursuing a PhD in biomedical engineering at Yale University.
Samuel Levang ’12 (Duluth, Minn. ) is a technical aide in 3M’s Corporate Research Materials Laboratory, Woodbury, Minnesota.
Ishiaka Mansaray ’12 (Freetown, Sierra Leone) is a teaching fellow in physics at the Saint Paul’s School in Concord, New Hampshire, through the Penn Residency Masters in Teaching program.
Ryan Marshall ’12 (Plymouth, Minn.) is pursuing a PhD in physics at the University of Minnesota.
Stephanie Reikine ’12 (Newton, Mass.) is pursuing a PhD in Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry at Yale University.
Andrew Rich ’12 (Philadelphia, Pa.) is a software engineer at Thompson Reuters in Eagan, Minnesota.
David Suchy ’12 (Eindhoven, The Netherlands) is an investment-banking analyst in the healthcare group at UBS in New York, New York.
Class of 2011 and Before
John Allan ’11 (Portland, Ore.) is pursuing a PhD in astrophysics at the University of Virginia.
Allison Kennedy ’11 (Stillwater, Minn.) is pursuing a PhD in physics at the University of Minnesota.
Palmer Fliss ’11 (Medway, Mass.), is pursuing a PhD in geobiology at the University of Minnesota.
Michael Richter ’10 (Mercer Island, Wash.) is pursuing a PhD in bioengineering at the University of California–San Diego.
Munadir Ahmed ’10 (Bangladesh) is pursuing a PhD in Electrical Engineering at Purdue University.
Jennifer Barnes ’09 (North Oaks, Minn.) is pursuing a PhD in physics at the University of California–Berkeley.
Jeff Gustafson ’09 (Shoreview, Minn.) is pursuing a PhD in physics at Boston University.
Korey Haynes ’09 (Baltimore, Md.) is pursuing a PhD in astrophysics at George Mason University.
Michael Kyslinger ’09 (Pfafftown, N.C.) is working at St. Jude Medical Technology’s Neuromodulator Division in Portland, Oregon.
Stephan Miller ’09 (New York, N.Y.) is pursuing a master’s in transportation engineering at Rutgers University in New Jersey.
Jillian Scudder ’09 (Sarasota, Fla.) is pursuing a PhD in astrophysics at the University of Victoria, Canada.
Matthew Webster ’09 (Arden Hills, Minn.) is pursuing a PhD in physics at the University of California–San Diego.
Seth McIntire ’09 (Seattle, Wash.) is in a fellowship program teaching high school physics in Rhode Island.
Reed Andrews ’08 (Bella Vista, Calif.) is pursuing a PhD in physics at the University of Colorado–Boulder.
Kyle Braam ’08 (Burnesville, Minn.) is pursuing a PhD in electrical engineering at the University of California–Berkeley.
Innocent Diamini ’08 (Kubuta, Swaziland) is pursuing a PhD in biomedical engineering at Duke University.
Emily Gras ’08 (Rochester, Minn.) is studying mechanical engineering at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.
Paul Norman ’08 (Socorro, N.M.) is studying aerospace engineering at the University of Minnesota–Twin Cities.