Student Opportunities

Physics students often take advantage of opportunities to study abroad on programs that enrich their lives and advance their study of physics.
Students work alongside faculty in the department, pursuing state-of-the-art research in astrophysics, solid state physics, computational physics, theoretical particle physics, and plasma processing of materials.
The National Science Foundation sponsors research experiences for undergraduate students (REU) at universities and labs throughout the country. The Department of Energy funds science undergraduate laboratory internships (SULI) at a variety of national labs, both during the academic year and in the summer. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) offers research internships for undergraduate students at several of its facilities. Many of these opportunities require participants to be citizens or permanent residents of the United States.
The Physics and Astronomy department offers a number of student employment jobs including tutors, graders, and lab assistants.
Macalester’s location in the Twin Cities provides many opportunities for internships both during the semester and during the summer. Students also complete internships at companies around the country over the summer.
The programs are open to any student including non-U.S. citizens.
Check out additional resources on physics and astronomy journals, graduate school, and jobs and internships.