Underrepresented Populations, Paradigms, and Perspectives (UP³)
PsychologyOlin/Rice Halls of Science Room 321 651-696-6223
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Underrepresented Populations, Paradigms, and Perspectives (UP³)
UP³ courses have as their central theme one or more of the following:
- A focus on historically underrepresented perspectives, paradigms, or populations in psychology
- A critical lens on issues of power and privilege in the field
- An analysis of the implications of exclusion or marginalization in the field of psychology or on psychological experience
Current courses:
- Psychology 194—Minding the Body
- Psychology 243/Anthropology 243—Psychological Anthropology
- Psychology 264—Psychology of Gender
- Psychology 266—History of Psychology
- Psychology 364—Lives in Context
- Psychology 370—Understanding and Confronting Racism
- Psychology 380—Community Psychology and Public Health
- Psychology 394—Social Identities in Developing Lives
Past courses that fulfill this requirement:
- Psychology 194—Psychology of Immigration and Acculturation
- Psychology 488—Development in Context