Catherine Collins, ’22

Admissions Officer
[email protected]
She, Her, Hers
Why I chose Admissions
As a student of educational studies at Macalester, I developed a passion for equitable education. As we strive to render academia a more accessible space, demystifying the college admissions process is a crucial step! I It’s a privilege to guide students as they navigate a complicated process and find a school that fits their personality and goals. I love sharing the unique opportunities my alma matter has to offer!
Community Involvement
While a student at Mac, I worked as a writing tutor for the Macalester Academic Excellence center. After graduation, I continued my work in academic support by serving as a Writing Fellow at Saint Paul College.
Favorite time of year at Mac
In spite of the crazy cold, my favorite time of year at Mac is winter! December marks a particularly exciting month on campus: as finals wrap up, there are endless performances and presentations to attend as students share their projects with the community. It’s fun to cozy up with some hot chocolate and celebrate the culmination of everyone’s hard work. Campus, too, looks extra gorgeous in the snow!
Love about the Twin Cities
The Twin Cities truly has it all, but I particularly appreciate the arts and culture scene. As a Mac student, I took advantage of heavily discounted tickets to frequent the Minnesota and Saint Paul Orchestras; I also attended many a performance at the Guthrie, the Orpheum, and other theaters near Mac. Thanks to the abundance and accessibility of music venues in the Twin Cities, I discovered a love of classical music I likely wouldn’t have developed elsewhere.