Michael Steele ’22

Financial Aid Counselor
[email protected]
He, Him, His
Why I chose Financial Aid
I chose to begin my career in Financial Aid at Mac to test firsthand how I could apply and hone my technical degree to helping alleviate a problem that all students understand: the affordability of college. Working and growing in Financial Aid has greatly broadened my perspective in just how many moving parts there can be to a functional and flourishing college career. My own student experience instilled in me why it is so important to provide support and help our future generation of students realize their college dreams any way we can.
Favorite time of year at Mac
My favorite time of year at Mac must be when all the warm colors of Fall decorate the campus paths! I have fond memories as a young freshman of bundling up and making trips between the library and our nearby coffee shop during my lazy study days.
Love about the Twin Cities
What brought and keeps me here in the Twin Cities is the feeling that I am never far from whatever I feel I need most: a sit-down coffee with a close friend, the upcoming Scots match, a warm meal and a chat with an alum, or even the next big interview for my career in a start-up based in Saint Paul! To borrow from Massey, there’s a certain kind of “throwntogetherness” to how so much of the cities can be felt on and around campus that I felt as a Mac student — and that feeling of interconnectedness still today helps me call the cities my home.