Faculty Resources
Registrar77 Macalester Street, Room 101 651-696-6200
651-696-6600 (fax)
Please refer to the Google Doc resources, as well as the Academic Calendar for important dates, deadlines, information, and step-by-step guides.
Important Dates
Spring 2025
- Mid-term Grades Due March 12
- Spring Break March 15 – 23
- Last Day to Withdraw from a class April 4
- Designate Grading Option April 7 – May 5
- Final Grades Due by Noon May 15
- Work Due for Fall 2024 Incomplete grades July 1
Registration Overrides
How do I let students into my class? Registration Overrides – Faculty Resources
Registration Overrides – 1600grandYou may give the following overrides on the Faculty tab of 1600grand by clicking the Grant Override button under the Registration Overrides header. They have different purposes:
During registration for the upcoming semester only (the 2-week defined registration period in fall for spring or in spring for fall):
Permission of Instructor Req If your course requires permission of the instructor, use this override. Prerequisite/Corequisite Okay This override will allow the student to register even without the prerequisite(s). Day/Time Conflict Okay This override will allow a student to register in your course even with a day/time conflict. Approved from Wait List If your course has previously closed, but a seat has opened and you have a wait list, you can use this to permit a student to register. They must still add the course themselves. The Add Okay (start of term) override is available for entry by the instructor approximately 1-week after the registration period defined above. This override includes those listed above and must be re-entered for use at the start of the term (start of the add/drop period).
Add Okay (start of term) This override will allow the student to register in your course at the start of the term (start of the add/drop period). This override includes: permission of instructor, prereq/coreq, day/time conflict.
Grading FAQs
When are final and midterm grades due? Refer to the Academic Calendar. You will also receive reminders via email (to your @macalester.edu) and posted in the Mac Daily.
Incomplete grades Refer to the Incomplete Grade policy in the Catalog for specific requirements. To submit the final grade for an Incomplete: send an e-mail to the Registrar’s Office with the course details (including CRN), the student name and Mac ID#, and the final grade.
How do I change a grade? Grade Change policy: After a final grade has been submitted, a student may not be required nor allowed to turn in extra work, to redo previous work, or otherwise make adjustments to their work in order to improve the final grade. The only circumstances under which a faculty member may change a final grade once it has been submitted are as follows:
1. The professor has made a calculation error; OR
2. Work previously considered missing is located by the professor, and it is clear the student turned the work in on time.To change a grade: submit a grade change request by e-mail to the Registrar’s Office. The request should include the course details (including CRN), the student name and Mac ID#, the grade, and reason for the change.
Grade changes are not made in 1600grand.
Catalog and Class Schedule FAQs
When is catalog copy due? Requests for catalog copy are sent out in early November. The Registrar’s Office expects to set a deadline of late February for copy to be entered by departments into Acalog, the college’s catalog publishing system.
How do I add or delete a course from the catalog? A request to add or delete a course from the catalog should be made in advance to EPAG. Use the course change proposal form and submit that to the Registrar.
When is the schedule for next year due? We’ll send out a request for the next academic year’s schedule in early December and it will include a more specific deadline, usually at the end of the first week of classes of the spring term.
How do I make changes to the schedule? The chair should summarize and submit schedule changes to the Registrar’s Office. If you are making changes on the spreadsheet of courses for your department, please highlight those changes for us.