Academic Resources and Services
Macalester College Student Government (MCSG)Ruth Stricker Dayton Campus Center, Room 235
Classrooms and Learning Facilities Advisory Committee
The Classroom and Learning Facilities Advisory Committee works to maintain and improve the classroom, lab, and learning spaces on campus, including AV technology, furnishings, and their configuration, lighting, acoustics, marker boards, and all the physical elements of these rooms and spaces. Pedagogical implications of the spaces provided for teaching are an important concern of the committee. In addition, the committee provides support for long-range planning and budgeting processes at the College. The committee reports to the Provost and to the Vice President for Administration and Finance. The committee meets twice a semester.
Student Reps: Haris Ahmed
Student Learning Committee
The Student Learning Committee focuses on identifying college-wide student learning goals, evaluates Macalester’s progress on those goals by utilizing data collected from various domains of student learning inquiry, and communicates findings to the Macalester and larger communities. The committee meets once a month.
Student Reps:
Technology Advisory Group (TAG)
The Technology Advisory Group evaluates and recommends requests for new campus technology resource acquisitions, and TAG serves as a forum to monitor the health, value, and planning of Macalester’s information technology environment. One of the student representatives serves on the Board of Trustees Infrastructure Committee.
Student Reps: