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Mac Jazz

MacJazz, directed by Joan Griffith, is an 18-piece big band that performs and records classic and contemporary big band jazz. MacJazz performs every year at the Twin Cities Small College Jazz Festival, as well as at local jazz venues. One of the missions of MacJazz is to host locally and internationally known jazz artists for residencies and concerts. The list of artists who have visited Macalester includes Maria Schneider, Geri Allen, Uri Caine, and vocalists Debbie Duncan and Connie Evingson. MacJazz often features new compositions by past and present members.


Registration for ensembles is taken care of by the directors of the ensembles during the first week of classes. Be aware there is some lag time between when students turn in registration information to the director and when the class appears on records.

Course Credits

  • 1 credit per semester, but only after two consecutive semesters of enrollment.
  • Study abroad does not count as an interruption.
  • Credits for ensembles do not count towards the College’s 18-credit limit.
  • Ensemble credits count towards the Fine Arts requirement, but only if the student has registered for four semesters of the same ensemble.

Rehearsal Schedule

Mondays and Wednesdays
4:45–6:15 PM
Crawford Hall, M116


MacJazz performs every semester in concerts on campus, as well as yearly at the Twin Cities Small College Jazz Festival.


Joan Griffith, Director


MacJazz performs with Uri Caine. Watch