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Funding for Faculty/Student Activities

Academic Programs and Advising

Speakers Fund

A limited amount of money is available on a first come, first served basis to bring guest lecturers to speak in a particular class.  The amount of the honorarium usually available per guest is $100.  Faculty members are limited to one request per year. Contact Katie Kelly, Assistant Dean for Academic Programs and Advising, or Brenda Piatz, Program Assistant, with the speaker’s name, date and time of visit, and the title of the course.  Each visitor will need to complete a Standard Engagement Contract and W-9.  This form is available from the Academic Programs and Advising website or the website of the Macalester Business Office.

Student Research and Travel Fund
Students selected to present a paper at a professional meeting may request up to $350 to offset their travel costs.

First Year Course Support

Faculty teaching a first year course may access $200 to support an activity related to the course.  Contact Brenda Piatz to request this money.

Center for Scholarship and Teaching

The CST has limited funds to support the development of faculty expertise in teaching and scholarship. The CST will not fund expenses related to individual research agendas, or teaching courses.  Appropriate requests for CST money might include faculty development reading groups, the creation and implementation of faculty development sessions (discussions or workshops) to be run through the CST, or collaborations in departmental or interdepartmental pairs or groups on special projects. Projects funded in the past include sending a department member to a conference on teaching in the discipline; a faculty reading group on the liberal arts; the development of teaching workshops for non-tenure track faculty; and departmental discussions on the curriculum in the major.

The CST also provides support for faculty development through the following grant programs:
ACM FaCE program
Wallace Research and Travel Grants

See the Serie Center website for more details at

Office of the Assistant Provost

Leonard Fund

Starting September 1, we will resume the Leonard Fund which reimburses faculty for expenses incurred for food and non-alcoholic beverages when entertaining students in faculty homes or on campus. A more detailed description of the use of the funds and the application procedures (pdf) is available here. Questions may be directed to Marga Miller, Assistant Provost, or in the Academic Programs Office.