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Emergency Preparedness

Missing Students

In compliance with the “Higher Education Opportunity Act (2008)” Missing Student Notification Policy and Procedures, it is the policy of Macalester College to actively investigate any report of a missing student resident who is enrolled at the College and residing in on-campus housing.

If a member of the College community has reason to believe that a student who resides in on-campus student housing is missing, they should immediately notify the Department of Public Safety at 651-696-6555. Public Safety will generate a Missing Person report, notify appropriate staff members, and begin an investigation.

Missing Student Notifications

After investigating the Missing Person report, should it be determined that the student is missing and has been missing for more than 24 hours, a representative from the college (Department of Public Safety or Division of Student Affairs) will notify the St. Paul Police Department or local law enforcement agency with jurisdiction and the student’s emergency contact no later than 24 hours after the student is determined to be missing.

If the missing person is under the age of 18 and is not emancipated, a representative from the Division of Student Affairs will notify the student’s parent or legal guardian, the missing person contact, and the St. Paul Police Department or local law enforcement agency with jurisdiction immediately after Public Safety has determined that the student has been missing for more than 24 hours.

At the beginning of each academic semester, all students will be asked to voluntarily provide emergency contact information in the event they are reported missing while enrolled at Macalester College. This emergency information will be confidential in the Banner 1600grand application and will be updated as necessary.

Missing Student Procedures

If a member of the College community has reason to believe that a student is missing, contact the Department of Public Safety at (651) 696-6555 immediately. For the purposes of this policy, a student may be considered to be a “missing person” if the person’s absence is contrary to his/her usual pattern of behavior or unusual circumstances may have caused the absence. Such circumstances could include, but not be limited to, a report or suspicion that the missing person may be a victim of foul play, has expressed suicidal thoughts, is medication dependent, is in a life-threatening situation, or has been with persons who may endanger the student’s welfare. Most missing person reports in the college environment result from a student changing their routine without informing their roommates and/or friends of the change. Anyone who believes a student to be missing should report their concern to Campus Public Safety, Residential Life, or the Office of Student Affairs. Every report made to Campus Public Safety will be followed up with an immediate investigation once a student has been missing for 24 hours. Depending on the circumstances presented to College officials, parents of a missing student may be notified.  If the student is under the age of 18, the parents or guardian will be notified immediately. In the event that parental or guardian notification is necessary a representative of the Division of Student Affairs will place the call.

At the beginning of each academic semester, all students will be asked to provide, on a voluntary basis, emergency contact information in the event they are reported missing while enrolled at Macalester. This emergency information will be kept in the Banner 1600 Grand application and will be updated annually.

General Procedures:
  1. The Macalester official receiving the report will collect and document the following information at the time of the report:
  • The legal and preferred name of the missing person
  • Physical description of the missing person. (Current hair length and color, height, weight, skin color, age, sex, etc.)
  • The missing student’s cell phone number (if known by the reporter).
  • The name and relationship of the person making the report.
  • The date, time and location the missing student was last seen.
  • The general routine or habits of the suspected missing student (e.g. – visiting friends who live off-campus, working a job away from campus) including any recent changes in behavior or demeanor.
  • Names and contact information of others who may have information about the person’s whereabouts. (Friends, relatives, significant others, etc.)
  • Ask if there is any other information that you should know.
  1. The Macalester College official receiving the report will contact the Director of Public Safety and the Dean of Students in order to update them on the situation and to receive additional consultation. The Dean of Students will ascertain if/when other members of the Campus Response Team need to be contacted.
  2. Upon notification from any entity that a student may be missing, Macalester may use any or all of the following resources to assist in locating the student.
  • Go to the student’s residence hall room
  • Talk to the student’s RA, roommate, and floormates to see if anyone can confirm the missing student’s whereabouts and/or confirm the date, time and location the student was last seen.
  • Secure a current student ID (from Public Safety and MacPass) or other photo of the student from a friend.
  • Call and text the student’s cell phone and call any other numbers on record.
  • Send the student an email, post in social media, etc.
  • Check all possible locations mentioned by the parties above including, but not limited to, library, residence hall lounges, student commons, fitness center, etc. The Public Safety Office and the Division of Student Affairs may be asked to assist in order to expedite the search process.
  • Contact any other on-campus or off-campus friends or contacts that are made known. This could include checking a student’s social networking sites.
  • Ascertain the student’s vehicle make, model and license plate number. A member of the Department of Public Safety will also check Macalester College parking lots for the presence of the student’s vehicle.
  1. The Macalester Information Technology Staff may be asked to obtain email logs in order to determine the last log in and/or access of the Macalester network.
  2. Once all information is collected and documented and the Dean of Students (or their designee) is consulted; Macalester staff may contact the local police to report the information. (Note: If in the course of gathering information as described above, foul play is evident or strongly indicated; the police will be contacted immediately.) If it is necessary to contact the local or state authorities, police procedure and protocol will be followed by the College.

*NOTE: In order to avoid jurisdictional conflicts when an off-campus/commuter student is believed to be missing, the reporting person should notify local law enforcement authorities and the Department of Public Safety. College staff will assist the police with their investigation.


Evacuation Plan

Click here for map of meeting places

On occasion students, staff, and faculty may, without notice, be asked to evacuate buildings. There are a number of possible reasons for this; including fire alarms, bomb threats, natural gas leaks, etc.

Expectations for Evacuation – When notified to evacuate, all persons are required to follow these procedures:

  1. Anytime an evacuation order is issued, whether electronically, verbally, or through the alarm system, all students, staff, visitors, and faculty are required to immediately evacuate the building.
  2. Close all windows and doors and walk to the nearest exit. If the alarm stops sounding, continue evacuation and warn others who may attempt to enter the building.
  3. If able, assist disabled persons and/or visitors to evacuate the building.  If a disabled person is unable to evacuate help them to shelter areas, such as enclosed stairwell landings where they can be assisted by first responders.
  4. Do not use elevators.
  5. Move to the designated meeting area for the building. Move to a location that is a minimum of 100 feet from the building.  Keep the streets and sidewalks open for emergency personnel. Do not return to the building until directed to do so by Safety and Security. The silencing of audible sirens or horns does NOT mean it is safe to re-enter the building.  In inclement weather, seek shelter in another campus building.
  6. Safety and Security does NOT set off fire alarms randomly.  All tests are announced prior to their activation.
  7. It is the policy of Safety and Security to notify the St. Paul Fire Department anytime there is an evacuation situation. The fire department may issue citations to persons who do not evacuate a building during an evacuation.


  • Leave immediately.
  • Walk, don’t run..
  • When instructed, evacuate and go a safe distance from your building (pre-designated assembly points).
  • If you know of hazards or trapped persons, tell the nearest campus security officer or first responder.
  • Do not re-enter the building until first response personnel tell you it is safe.


  • Use elevators.
  • Re-enter buildings.

This building’s designated outside meeting area: See building evacuation map


Lockdown Policy

Building or Area Lockdown

A lockdown may be implemented in a hazardous or life threatening situation. It is intended to limit access and exposure to hazards by limiting staff and student movement. 

When a lockdown is declared, all community members are to stay in their current position, unless they are immediately adjacent to the dangerous situation (shooter, bomb threat, etc).  Close and lock all doors, shut windows and close blinds, stay low to the floor and shelter behind heavy furniture or equipment.

Once in lockdown, buildings will have restricted access until the “All Clear” is given or individuals are directed to leave by emergency response personnel.  All college activities, classes and events are immediately paused and will not resume until official notice is given. A lockdown may be called by college officials, law enforcement agencies or other emergency responders. A lockdown may be called for a variety of reasons, including: weapons, intruders, police activity in or around the school, contamination or hazardous materials or terrorist events.

Briefing First Responders and Establishing Communications Link

When first responders arrive, they will be briefed on the situation and command of the incident response will be relinquished to them.

There will be a communication link established between the first responder response team and  Safety and Security. Once the IMT is activated, the Macalester Safety and Security personnel will be folded into the IMT structure as appropriate.  Field Operations personnel will serve as the link to the first responder team once the IMT is active.

Communication to Campus

The Rave Alert emergency notification system will be used to transmit information as quickly as possible to the campus community to provide information and direction.  Communication to campus through the Rave Alert system and any other available means will be as frequent as necessary to ensure that the community is kept informed of material changes to the situation and that they receive appropriate direction.  At the conclusion of the event, once the “All Clear” has been given by the authorities in charge, notice of the “All Clear” will be sent to the community letting them know that the crisis has ended and providing direction on where to congregate for debriefing, whether they can leave, and where to report concerns and information related to the incident. 

Faculty / Staff Response – Lockdown

Faculty and staff are responsible for the students they are with at the time of the lockdown. They should keep students in the safe area until the condition that has caused the lockdown is cleared.

  • During a lockdown a faculty or staff member should:
    • Detain students in the classroom.
    • Check the halls and clear hallways of individuals.
    • Keep students calm.
    • Keep an attendance log of all students in the room and update throughout the evacuation if necessary.
    • Keep students secure by locking windows and doors.
    • Do not allow anyone in or out until an “all clear” signal has been given.
    • Monitor mobile phone Macalester Alert text messaging, email, and voicemail for updates.
    • Stay observant of your surroundings. Your personal safety and the safety of others may depend on early recognition of threats and what you remember about the situation after it ends.
  • After the incident report the status of all people.  See procedure for using RAVE Polling feature to establish accountability.
  • Other things faculty and staff should do, if it is safe:
    • Assist with announcement of the lockdown by telling others in the area
    • Assist with clearing persons from hallways and other exposed areas
    • Barricade doors and cover windows

Community Response

Upon receiving a lockdown order, community members should do the following:

  • Immediately stop all activity (teaching, group work, meetings)
  • Close and lock all doors and windows where you are.
  • If you are in an open area that cannot be locked, move to a lockable room
  • Turn off lights and place cell phones on silent
  • Stay away from windows and out of sight
  • Remain quiet, calm and still
  • Help comfort others around you
  • Remain under lockdown until told from official source the incident is over
  • Follow directions of law enforcement officials

Facilities and Security Staff

In the event there is an active shooter/hostile event on campus, upon receiving RAVE or radio notification staff should lock as many exterior doors in the immediate area (without putting themselves or others at risk). 

In addition, providing it is safe to do so, they should:

  • Assist with announcement of the lockdown by telling others in the area
  • Assist with clearing persons from hallways and other exposed areas
  • Barricade doors and cover windows


Active Threats

ALICE Response Procedures


Hostage Situation

  • If taken hostage, try to remain calm and focused.  Although it will be difficult, try to be patient. Time is on your side. Avoid drastic action that may trigger a violent response.
  • The initial 45 minutes of captivity are the most dangerous. Follow instructions and be alert. Captors are emotionally unbalanced. Don’t take any action which could harm your well-being.
  • Don’t speak unless spoken to and then only when necessary. Don’t talk down to or attempt to rationalize with the captor. Avoid appearing hostile. Maintain eye contact with the captor at all times if possible but do not stare.
  • Try to rest and avoid speculating. 
  • Expect the unexpected; severe mood swings, irrational actions, etc.  Displaying a certain amount of fear can possibly work to your advantage.
  • Do not make quick or sudden moves. If you must go to the bathroom, need medications, or first aid, ask your captors.


AED Locations

AED’s (Automatic External Defibrillator) have been placed about campus to be used in case of a medical emergency. The units are easy to use and have voice prompts to assist you.

AED Demo

AED Public Locations

AEDs (Automatic External Defibrillator) have been placed about campus to be used in case of a medical emergency. The units are easy to use and have voice prompts to assist you. AED Demo

  • 30Mac – 30 Mac west entry
  • 37 Mac – First floor near living room
  • 77 Mac – Second floor near room 204
  • Art – First floor near elevator
  • Bigelow – First floor lobby
  • Briggs House – First floor porch
  • Ball Fields Press Box – In press box
  • Campus Center – First floor near front west entry
  • Carnegie Hall – Inside east entry to the right
  • Chapel – Main level to the right of entry doors
  • Doty – First floor lobby, south entrance
  • Dupre – First floor lobby near entrance
  • Dupre – Third floor near main stairwell
  • Janet Wallace Fine Arts Center – Near the north entry
  • GDD – Lobby near elevator
  • Grand Cambridge Apts – Second floor hall near elevator
  • Kagin Commons – Atrium first floor near entry to offices
  • Kirk – Section 1, near office
  • Lampert – Ground floor near stairway
  • Leonard Center – seven locations throughout building
  • Library – First floor near elevator
  • Markim – First floor near elevator
  • Humanities – First floor near link to Art Commons
  • Old Main – Ground floor near elevator
  • Olin-Rice – Smail Gallery near elevator
  • Olin-Rice – Third floor near elevator
  • Stadium – East (Snelling Ave) entry
  • Stadium – Second Floor Residence elevator lobby
  • Theater – 1st floor, main hall by elevato
  • Turck Hall – First floor main lobby
  • Wallace Hall – First floor main lobby
  • Weyerhaeuser Hall – First floor near elevator
  • Ordway Field Station – Near front entry

There is virtually no liability associated with owning or operating an AED.  The Minnesota Code Tort Immunity reads as follows: This act amends a provision in the Good Samaritan Statute that includes providing emergency medical care by using or providing an automatic external defibrillator in the definition of “emergency care.” It provides that a person rendering this care during the course of regular employment and receiving compensation will be protected from liability unless the usual and regular duties of the person include the provision of emergency medical care (the general law excludes persons acting within the scope of employment.)


Bomb Threats

  1. Employees receiving or discovering a bomb threat should immediately call Safety and Security at 651-696-6555 after getting as much information as possible about the bomb and the caller.
  2. Remain calm. Use the telephone checklist to record information concerning the bomb threat. Have the list ready for authorities when they arrive.

General Procedures:

Do not evacuate the building!

If a bomb threat is received by phone, ask:

    1. Keep the caller on the phone as long as possible!
    2. Suggested questions:
      • When is the bomb going to explode?
      • Where is the bomb right now?
      • What kind of bomb is it?
      • What does it look like?
    3. Record following information for Safety and Security:
    • Time of call.
    • Date of call.
    • Exact words of the person.
    • Judge the voice: male, female, child, approximate age, do they sound coherent/incoherent, etc.
    • Speech pattern, accent.
    • Background noises and description (music, people talking, cars or trucks, airplanes, children or babies, machine noise, typing, etc.)

If a bomb threat is received by mail, employees should:

    1. Not handle the envelope or package.
    2. Leave immediate area.
    3. Notify Safety and Security at 651-696-6555 and stop anyone from entering where package is located.

If a suspicious object is discovered, the employee should:

    1. Not attempt to touch or move object.
    2. Evacuate immediate area only.(See building evacuation meeting place map.).
    3. Notify Safety and Security at 651-696-6555.
    4. Await further instructions.

What Will Happen Next

  • The police bomb squad may be dispatched.  Security personnel will meet the police and brief them on the situation.  Security will establish an on site communication link with the police at this time.
  • The police bomb squad will contact and interview the person who received the threat. An evacuation may take place. 
  • If the situation appears to be credible, campus should be notified of the situation via a Rave Alert and/or other means.  All persons should be instructed to stay away from the affected building.  
  • Security will lock the exterior doors to the building and post officers at each entrance to stop people from attempting to enter the building.  If necessary, other staff will be recruited to help in covering entrances. 
  • A building search will be made by Facilities Services personnel and building department personnel. 
  • When authorized, the “All Clear” will be given by Security personnel in conjunction with the Incident Management Team via the Rave Alert system.  

Bomb Search

  • The employee search is the only method by which it can be determined if there is a suspicious object in the area. The point of the search is to identify any object(s) that are suspicious, that don’t belong there, or that don’t belong to those who occupy the space.  If a suspicious object is found, do not touch or move it.   Report its location to Safety and Security or to the emergency coordinator (police) immediately.
  • Building office personnel will be asked to search only their immediate work area(s). Results of the search will be reported directly to Safety and Security.
  • Searches of other building areas (mechanical rooms, attics, etc.) will be carried out by police search teams.
What to look for:

Explosives can be packaged in a variety of containers. Most likely it will be camouflaged. The container is likely to be a common article such as a shoe or cigar box, a grocery, athletic, or airline flight bag, suitcase, attache case, etc. Look for the unusual or something that appears to be out of place. It is important that someone familiar with the area assist in the search in order to note items that are unusual or alien to the surroundings. Anything that does not belong, or whose nature and presence cannot be adequately explained should be considered a suspicious object.


Chemical Spills

In case of chemical spills which do not present an immediate danger to life or health you should:

  1. Immediately notify Security at 651-696-6555 and the Facilities Services office at 651-696-6278. Be prepared to give the following information:
    • Your name
    • Building name
    • Floor/level
    • Room number
    • Type of accident
    • Chemical(s) involved, if known
    • Whether anyone has been exposed and/or is injured.
  2. Safety and Security will supply the proper response team and cleanup materials.  Note that in some instances the fire department and/or a first response hazmat team may need to respond. 
  3. Attempt to contain the spill only if you are thoroughly familiar with the hazards of the spilled chemical, have been trained to do so, and have access to appropriate PPE. If you have contacted the spilled material, remove any contaminated clothing immediately and flush all areas of body contact with large amounts of water.
  4. Continue to rinse body contact areas with large amounts of water for 15 minutes.
  5. If the building needs to be evacuated proceed to the building evacuation meeting place area. Account for all person/s in your area. Notify emergency personnel or security of missing person/s.
  6. Do not re-enter the building until told to do so by campus security officers.
  7. Seal off the area to keep others away from the spill until assistance arrives(?)
What Will Happen Next

The proper response team/s will assist in clean up and disposal of chemicals. Medical treatment will be provided as needed for victims.


Chemical Spills-Life Threatening Situation

In case of chemical spills which do present an immediate danger to life or health you should:

  1. Immediately evacuate the room and building. Close all doors to the room as you leave. If necessary, evacuate the entire building by sounding the fire alarm and/or notifying security. Exit the building to designated meeting area.
  2. Immediately notify Security at 651-696-6555 and the Facilities Services office at 651-696-6278. Be prepared to give the following information: 
    • Your name
    • Building name 
    • Floor/level 
    • Room number
    • Type of accident 
    • Chemical(s) involved if known
    • Whether anyone has been exposed and/or is injured.
  3. Safety and Security will supply the proper response team. Note that in some instances the fire department and/or a first response hazmat team may need to respond. 
  4. If the building needs to be evacuated proceed to the building evacuation meeting place. Account for all person/s in your area. Notify emergency personnel of missing person/s.
  5. Do not re-enter the building until told to do so by campus security officers.
What Will Happen Next

The proper response team/s will assist in clean up and disposal of chemicals. Medical treatment will be provided as needed for victims. Safety and Security will notify 911 Hazardous Response Team and Bay West (24/7# 800.279.0456) for clean up and disposal of chemical/s.  The affected area and, if necessary, the building will be cordoned off and no access will be allowed.


Chlorine Leak-Life Threatening Situation

  1. Immediately evacuate the pool, storage areas and the entire Leonard Center building. Exit building to designated area. (Shaw Field)
  2. Chlorine gas is heavier than air and displaces oxygen do ot bend down and do not re-enter the building to assist others.
  3. Immediately notify Safety and Security at 651-696-6555 and the Facilities Services Office at 651-696-6278. Be prepared to give the following information: your name, building name, floor, room number, type of accident, chemical(s) involved if known
  4. Safety and Security will supply the proper response team.
  5. The building MUST be evacuated proceed to building evacuation meeting area. Account for all person/s in your area. Notify emergency personnel of missing person/s.
  6. Do not re-enter the building until told to do so by campus security officers.

What Will Happen Next

The proper response team/s will assist in clean up and disposal of chemicals. Medical treatment will be provided as needed for victims. Safety and Security Department will notify 911 Hazardous Response Team and Hawkins Chemical Company or Bay West for clean up and disposal of chemical/s.


Criminal Activity

Criminal Behavior Procedures – What to do when you observe criminal behavior

  1. If you are the victim of a crime or if you observe a crime in progress or behavior which you suspect is criminal, immediately notify the St Paul Police Department at 911.  Do not attempt to intervene.  Then call Security at 651-696-6555.
  2. Report as much information as possible including:
    • What the person(s) is/are doing
    • The location (be as specific as possible)
    • Building name and address
    • Floor that the person is on
    • Room number
    • Physical and clothing description of those involved.
    • Weapons (if any) involved.
    • Vehicle description, license plate number, and direction of travel when last seen.
    • Any other information that may be helpful in leading responders to the person’s location and/or in allowing them to identify the person.

Do not approach or attempt to apprehend the person(s) involved.

What Will Happen Next?

  1. Security and/or the St. Paul Police will respond to the situation.
  2. Assist Security officers when they arrive by supplying them with any additional information and ask others to do the same.
  3. Security officers will conduct a campus area search and will evacuate or secure areas if necessary. Follow their instructions and take a report.
  4. If the police are the first to respond, stay out of their way, answer their questions, and follow their instructions.


Elevator Emergency

All campus elevator phones are programmed to call Campus Security at 651.696.6555.

If you are trapped in an elevator:

  1. Remain calm. The elevator will not drop. When a fault is detected, elevators are designed to stop wherever they are at the time in order to avoid damage and to provide as safe of a situation as possible.  
  2. Use the elevator telephone to communicate with the Security Office via the elevator telecommunication system.  Cell phones are unlikely to work in the elevator and they don’t provide the officer with the location.
  3. Give the security officer the location of the elevator and floor number if known.
  4. DO NOT try to force open the elevator door. Stay in the car.
What Will Happen Next

Campus Security officers will respond and will be in communication with you via the elevator telecommunication system or from outside the elevator. You will be assisted in leaving the elevator as soon as possible. An elevator repair technician will respond to repair the elevator. For routine problems (lights out, elevator does not stop at the desired floor, etc.) please notify Facilities Services at 651-696-6278.

When an elevator entrapment is reported to Security or Facilities Services, the following protocol is to be followed:

  • Ask the person to remain calm and explain that the trapped person is in no danger.
  • Dispatch a security officer to the site to make contact with the person and verify that the elevator is not operable.
  • The person taking the call should immediately contact the elevator repair contractor, Metro Elevator (24/7 # 952.932.9868) for service.
  • Ask the responding technician for an ETA for service. Pass this information on to the person who is trapped.   
  • If the trapped person is suffering a serious medical emergency and waiting for a technician to arrive is not possible, the fire department may be called to extricate the person.  Note that the fire department will not engage in a rescue of an trapped individual unless their condition is serious and permanent injury or death is imminent. It is likely that an extrication carried out by the fire department will result in severe damage to the elevator.
  • Report the incident to Facilities Services management, so repairs can be made.



  1. If you discover a fire, explosion, or smell smoke in a building: Sound the fire alarm.
  2. Immediately call 911, and then call Security at 651-696-6555 and give the following information:
    • Your name
    • Building name
    • Floor number
    • Room number
    • Any other information that may aid in a quick and effective response
  3. When a fire alarm sounds, complete evacuation is required. Close doors and windows as you leave. If the alarm stops sounding continue to evacuate and warn others who may attempt to enter the building.
  4. Do not use elevators during a fire emergency.
  5. Proceed to the meeting area. See building evacuation meeting place map.  Account for all person(s) assigned to your area. Leave walks and driveways open for arriving fire fighters. Do not return to the building until directed to do so by campus security officers. The silencing of audible alarms or horns does not mean it is safe to re-enter the building.
  6. Notify fire fighters or the nearest security officer on the scene if you suspect someone may be trapped inside the building.
  7. If you are trapped during a fire.
    • Place cloth material around and under the door to prevent smoke from entering.  If you have the ability to wet the cloth, do so.
    • Close as many doors as possible between you and the fire.
    • Be prepared to signal someone outside, but do not break glass until absolutely necessary as smoke may be drawn into the room.
  8. If caught in smoke:
    • Drop to the floor and crawl toward an exit.
    • Stay as low as possible.
    • Take shallow breaths through your nose and use a shirt or towel as a filter.


  • Leave the immediate area of the fire and close doors behind you.
  • Use stairwells to evacuate the building.
  • If caught in heavy smoke, stay near the floor, take short breaths through your nose, and move to the exit by crawling.


  • Do not attempt to fight the fire.
  • Do not use the elevators.
  • Do not return to a building until the All Clear is given by the fire department.

What Will Happen Next

The fire department is dispatched by the 911 operator. Security and Facilities Services personnel prepare for the arrival of the fire department and direct them to the scene. Firefighters arrive to handle the emergency.  In the case of a major fire, the EOC and IMT will be activated to handle the logistics of recovery, public relations, and accounting for community members.


Natural Gas Odor

In the event you smell Natural Gas (an odor that smells like rotten eggs):

  • Leave the building at once. See building evacuation meeting place map.
  • Do not turn on or turn off any lights.
  • Do not turn on or turn off any electrical device.
  • Do not use any telephone or cell phone in the building or house.
  • Do not sound the fire alarm.
  • From another location (the house or building next door).
    • Call 911.
    • Call XCEL Gas Emergency 1- 800-895-2999.
    • Call Macalester Security at 651-696-6555.
  • Do not return to the building until the All Clear is given by Security or Facilities Services personnel.

What Will Happen Next

Security will contact the proper response team from Facilities Services.  Security officers will secure all outside doors and will assist with emergency requests for assistance. 

Facilities Services will contact Xcel Energy for assistance in locating the natural gas leak.  911 should also be notified.  

  • No FS staff should enter the building until it has been deemed safe to do so either by first responders or Xcel Energy.  
  • Locate the exterior gas meter and shut off valve.  Make sure it is clear of snow or other obstructions. Depending on the situation, it may be advisable to turn the valve off.
  • Once it is safe to enter the space, FS will take appropriate actions to ventilate the space (open the outside air dampers to 100%, open windows, etc.) and make repairs.  


Medical Emergency

  1. Call Security at 651-696-6555 (if the situation is life threatening, call 911 first, then call Security). Give the following information: Name, building name, floor, room number, type of injury, illness, or symptoms.
  2. Do not move a seriously injured person unless a more serious injury or life threatening situation may develop.
  3. Quickly perform these four steps:
  • Check breathing, open air way (tilt head back) and start artificial respiration (CPR) if necessary and if you are trained in first aid.
  • Control serious bleeding by direct pressure on the wound.
  • Keep the victim still and comfortable. Have victim lie down if necessary.
  • Remain with victim until help arrives.

In case of heart attack or breathing stoppage, call 911 and Security at 651-696-6555. They will respond immediately Safety and Security personnel are trained to assist and coordinate emergency units.  Note that there are AEDs throughout campus. Reference the AED Locations section of this document or the Safety website for specifics. If you notice any jewelry with an inscription indicating medical information, bring this to the officer’s attention.

What Will Happen Next

Paramedics are dispatched by the 911 operator. Security officers prepare for the arrival of emergency units and direct them to the scene. Paramedics and Safety and Security officers arrive to administer medical assistance and to assist with information, reports, etc.


Power Outage

The campus is outfitted with generator and battery emergency power for basic life safety requirements; including evacuation path lighting and other critical infrastructure.  However, computers, printers, and other electronic devices most likely will not be able to be used until power is restored.

During a power outage, areas that do not have sufficient natural light to clearly see exit corridors, exit stairs, or exit doors should be evacuated while emergency lights are still on. Emergency lighting is temporary and is not meant to allow for continued building operations.

During an outage:

  • Remain calm.
  • Do not light candles or other flames to use as light sources.
  • Turn off all lights and unplug sensitive electrical equipment, including computers. –  This will reduce the in-rush of power to the building when electrical service is restored and help protect any sensitive electronics.
  • Assist disabled person(s) and those needing assistance in exiting the building,  See building evacuation meeting place map.
  • If evacuation is required, secure all experiments and shut off research gases. All chemicals should be stored in their original locations. Close all fume hoods. –  Note that the hood exhaust system will continue to draw air, but at a reduced flow. It is critical that the hoods remain closed.

What will happen next?

Security will contact the proper response team from Facilities Services.  Security officers will secure all outside doors and respond to emergency requests for assistance. 

  • ITS should be notified that there is an outage.
  • If the outage extends beyond campus and affects Highwinds properties, the director of Highwinds should be notified.

Facilities Services will contact Xcel Energy to report the outage and obtain an estimated restoration time. 

  • Communicate the restoration time to campus by whatever means possible given the outage (text, phone call, email, in person, etc.)  Consider key stakeholders like ITS, Highwinds, Bon Appetit, Residential Life, CRT, renters, etc. 
    • RHD On Call 
    • ITS On Call
    • CRT On Call 
    • Bon Appetit – Primary: Amy Jackson , Secondary: Michael Pruett
    • Highwinds (Deanna Sepenan)
    • Renters (see tenant contact spreadsheet)
  • Verify that the generators for Campus Center, Olin Rice, and JWFAC have started.
  • Verify that the fans serving the rat lab and the chemical hood systems in Olin Rice are continuing to operate.
  • Verify that there is airflow in the acid room (# A214B) of the Art building (print shop, 2nd floor).  If there isn’t open the window.
  • Consider the restoration times, the cause of the outage, the size of the outage, the season, etc. and determine whether it makes sense to try switching the main campus feed.  If it is determined that this should be done, an electrician must be on site and handle the switching process. The main switching diagrams and equipment are in the electrical vault (room # 58) on the north end of the Leonard Center.  The vault is accessed from outside the building on the north face of the building. 
  • If there is an extended outage during the winter, additional actions may be necessary to protect buildings:
    • Manually close outside air dampers.  
    • Monitor building temps, especially in perimeter and lower level spaces.
    • If the temperature drops to below freezing and is likely to stay there for awhile, consider draining plumbing, wet sprinkler, and hydronic heating systems.
    • Boilers may need to be shutdown in a controlled way.  There will not be energized pumps in buildings to circulate water through heat exchangers or to return condensate to the plant.
  • Once power is restored, make sure building systems come back online.  A combination of building automation controls checks and on site visits will be necessary to ensure all heating and cooling systems are operational.


Severe Weather and Emergency Shelter Locations

During the spring and summer months conditions that create severe weather such as thunderstorms, lighting strikes and tornadoes may develop at any time.

All members of the Macalester Community should be familiar with these types of weather conditions and the proper procedures for safety during severe weather activity.

The following information is a reminder of the basic watch and warning system used by the local and national weather services.

A watch (tornado watch, thunderstorm watch)

means to be alert that the weather conditions are right for the development of that particular type of weather. A siren usually does not sound during a watch. People are asked to take note of the weather and their surrounding conditions, and consider how they would adjust their activities to the possible changing weather.

A warning (tornado warning, thunderstorm warning), means that the particular type of weather is occurring – a tornado has been sighted, or a severe thunderstorm is expected. During a tornado warning or a very severe thunderstorm warning, sirens do sound. Act immediately to take cover in protected areas.

A severe weather watch or warning is serious.

Should you encounter such a weather condition, stay away from glass windows, and seek shelter in any of the locations listed on the Safety and Security board posted in your building. If you can not find a copy of the shelter locations for your building, please contact the Safety Manager at 651-696-6467.

  • Listen to a radio station WCCO (AM 830) for updated weather information.
  • Other Weather related web sites NOAA
  • Local Weather forecasts

Shelter Locations

  • 30 MACALESTER – Basement area or 1st floor interior hallway
  • 37 MACALESTER – Basement
  • 63 MACALESTER – Basement
  • 77 MACALESTER – Lower level near restrooms
  • ART BUILDING – First floor south & east hallways near A109
  • BIGELOW HALL – Lower level lounge area near room 70
  • BRIGGS HOUSE – Basement
  • CAMPUS CENTER – Lower level near P.O. Box area
  • CARNEGIE HALL – Ground floor hallway
  • CHAPEL – Lower level lounge area
  • DOTY HALL – Basement hallway
  • DUPRE HALL – Basement hallway or 10K
  • FIELD HOUSE – Ground floor east hallway near room 46
  • FINE ARTS COMMONS AND  GALLERY – Go Art, Neill, Music, Theatre building hallways
  • GEORGE DRAPER DAYTON HALL (GDD) – Basement hallway
  • GRAND CAMBRIDGE APARTMENTS (GCA) – North or Back stairwell near ground level
  • ARABIC HOUSE – (176 Vernon) – Basement
  • CHINESE HOUSE – (216 Vernon) – Basement
  • COTTAGES – (53, 57 Macalester) – Basement of 57 Macalester
  • ECO HOUSE – (200 Vernon) – Basement
  • FRENCH HOUSE – (182 Vernon) – Basement
  • GERMAN HOUSE – (190 Vernon) – Basement
  • JAPANESE HOUSE – (1661-63 Princeton) – Basement
  • OTHER – Faculty – Staff housing – Basement
  • RA HOUSE – (1662 Princeton) – Basement
  • RUSSIAN HOUSE – (1668 Princeton) – Basement
  • SPANISH HOUSE – (196 Vernon) – Basement
  • SUMMIT HOUSE – (1576 Summit) – Basement
  • KAGIN COMMONS – Lower level
  • KIRK HALL – Sections 1, 2, lower level, 8/Laundry room or in the hallways on first floor of your section
  • LAMPERT – Basement area
  • LIBRARY – Lower level
  • LEONARD CENTER  – Lower level inside hallways away from glass
  • MARKIM HALL – Lover level
  • MUSIC BUILDING – First floor interior hallways or lower level garage area
  • HUMANITIES – First floor, east and north hallways
  • OLD MAIN – Ground floor, hallway outside restrooms
  • OLIN-RICE HALL – First floor, interior hallways
  • ORDWAY NATURE CENTER – Lower level near restrooms
  • OUTDOORS – NO SHELTER – Lie flat on ground or in ditch, cover head
  • SCOTSDALE – ALL UNITS: Basement area
  • STADIUM – Interior hallways ground floor
  • THEATER BUILDING – Lower level hallways
  • TURCK HALL – Turck first floor or Doty lower level
  • VEGGIE CO-OP – STADIUM – Interior hallways and restrooms
  • WALLACE HALL – Wallace to Doty Tunnel area
  • WEYERHAEUSER HALL – Ground floor, hallway outside restroom


Suspicious Mail

The best practice for those who handle mail each day is awareness.

What to look for

Some typical characteristics of suspicious mail, identified by U.S. Postal Inspectors over the years include the following descriptions of parcels and envelopes:

  • Badly typed, written, or misspelled words.
  • No return address.
  • Excessive wrapping, tape or string.
  • Strange appearance [odor, oily stains, discolorations, leaking fluids or powders, etc.].
  • Markings with restrictive endorsements, such as ‘Personal’ or ‘Confidential’.
  • Excessive postage or markings indicating it was mailed from a foreign country.
  • A city or state in the postmark that doesn’t match the return address.

What to do

If you receive a suspicious-looking letter or package:

  • DO NOT open it, shake it or empty its contents.
  • Immediately call Security at 651-696-6555 and explain your situation.
  • If you find a package or letter that contains a suspicious substance (powder, liquid, etc.):
  1. Immediately stop handling the package.
  2. Don’t attempt to clean up the substance. Cover the spilled contents using whatever is available (clothing, paper, trash can, etc.).
  3. Prevent others from coming into contact with the package or contents, close and lock doors, ask others to leave the space, etc. 
  4. Evacuate the area. Close door/s to affected area.
  5. Call Security at 651-696-6555.
  • Wash your hands and any other exposed skin that came into contact with the package or its contents with soap and water.
  • If the substance is on your clothing, remove it as soon as possible, place it in a plastic bag and make sure the clothing is given to emergency responders for proper handling.
  • Make a list of all people who were in the room or area when the suspicious parcel was recognized, give this to authorities for follow-up investigations

What Will Happen Next

Safety and Security will call 911 and proper response team/s will assist in clean up and disposal of substance. Medical treatment will be provided as needed for victims.


Uncovered Situations

  1. The quickest and easiest way to obtain professional help for any type of emergency not specifically covered by these procedures is to phone: Security at 651-696-6555.   In the event of a life threatening situation, call 911.
  2. When calling, stay calm and carefully explain the problem and location to the dispatcher.
  3. Quickly notify your department chairperson or supervisor of the emergency and begin to take the appropriate action warranted by the situation.
  4. If the building needs to be evacuated follow evacuation procedures. See building evacuation procedures.
