Macalester College Mailing Services provides students studying abroad (OCP), withdrawn, on a leave of absence, and graduates with forwarding service when they leave campus.

(Please note that you still need to contact the Registrar’s Office with permanent address changes).

Please see the Mailing Services Forwarding Form for more information on forwarding.

All students will have their mail forwarded during Summer Break unless they indicate to not forward on the forwarding form.

We do not forward items for staff and faculty when they leave Macalester. Items received will be sent to the former department.

Please contact important parties directly with your new address. If you fill out a change of address form with USPS it will be rejected. “A Change of Address may not be filed with the United States Postal Service® for an individual’s mail addressed to an organization, or addressed to the individual at his or her place of employment, business, or other affiliation either during or after the termination of the employment, business, or other relationship. The organization may change the address (but not the name) on mail to redirect it to those individuals”.-USPS