Change of Plans
Center for Study AwayMarkim Hall, Second Floor 651-696-6300
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If you make any changes after SARC has approved your plan, you must talk to the staff at the Center for Study Away. In many cases, these changes must be reviewed by SARC.
Study Away Cancellation
By submitting the request to withdraw, you will be officially canceling your participation in your study away program. This request is not to be used to change programs or change your study away semester (see below for these options instead).
To cancel, log into your study away portal and go to “my programs,” then click into your program. There you will see a link that says “Request to Withdraw” (see screenshot below). Complete the steps requested after clicking that link.

After study away receives your request to withdraw, we will process it by removing you from the list to study away and informing other offices on campus. If you have already applied to your study away university or program, or started your study away semester, you must also inform your university/program directly of your request to withdraw as there may be financial implications.
Request To Change Study Away Semester
You may request to change study away semesters for compelling reasons, such as health or family circumstances. Changing your study away semester may not be used to manipulate the semester balance provisions of study away policies and procedures. Change requests will be reviewed by CSA staff and SARC, and approval of your change request is not guaranteed.
Deadline: Requests to change your study away semester are processed on a rolling basis as they are received. If you are considering changing your semester, CSA staff highly encourage you to speak with your study away advisor early to consider all implications (on-campus housing, enrollment in MAC courses, financial impact). If you are considering changing your study away semester in order to take a leave of absence, consider how it will affect your eligibility for study away.
You may need to resubmit parts of your application if there have been changes in planned coursework or other academic content. You are also responsible for informing and making all necessary arrangements with your study away program.
Request To Change Study Away Program
You may request to change your study away program for a compelling reason, such as program cancellation, denial of program admission, issuance of travel warning for program location by U.S. Department of State, a change in educational goals, or personal reasons related to health, family, or finances. In all cases, you must demonstrate clear justification for requesting a program change. Change requests will be reviewed by CSA staff and SARC, and approval of your change request is not guaranteed.
Deadline: Requests to change your study away programs are processed on a rolling basis as they are received. If you are considering changing your program, CSA staff highly encourage you to speak with your study away advisor early to consider all implications. You need to submit a request to change programs prior to the program deadline, which are often in March for fall programs and September for spring programs, though some program and university applications are due before this.
You may need to resubmit parts of your application if there have been changes in planned coursework or other academic content. You are also responsible for informing and making all necessary arrangements with your study away program. Feasibility of program change requests may rely on factors beyond Macalester’s control such as individual program deadlines and capacity. Approvals for Faculty-Led and Exchange Programs will depend on availability.
Extension of Study Away
No student approved for one semester of study away will be permitted to extend that term.