Event Point of Sale (POS) Responsibilities: 

Keep the system and the data safe:

Keep track of the Event POS system as all times. Do not leave it unsecured. At the end of the day, have a responsible person take it home to a secured location. Keep all of the signed receipts in an envelope for reconciliation at the end of the event. Do not allow “customers” to charge more on the credit card and ask for cash back.

Know how to process a charge and a refund:

You will be provided training before your event and will be given a reference card while you have the Event POS system. Be certain the refund is justified and print off the receipt for the refund and add it to the other receipts

End-of-the-day settlement processing:

It is important that at the end of the day, a settlement. You will be provided training before your event and will be given a reference card while you have the Event POS system.


This is a serious crime and will immediately be reported to the appropriate authorities within Macalester College. Reporting fraud to outside authorities will follow policies and legal mandates as followed within Business Services.