GTU Honor Society
Connie DeLage, Department CoordinatorCarnegie Hall, Room 104 651-696-6291
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Macalester College Epsilon Kappa Chapter of Gamma Theta Upsilon International Geography Honor Society
Membership Eligibility
Persons seeking membership must be initiated through an established chapter of Gamma Theta Upsilon. A chapter is also maintained for Alumni after graduation. There are two classes of membership in GTU:
Regular Membership Requirements:
- Initiates must have 1) completed a minimum of 3 geography courses at Macalester, 2) have a 3.3 GPA in geography, 3) have completed a minimum of 4 semesters of college coursework at Macalester, and 4) have declared a geography major.
Honorary Member:
A chapter may extend honorary membership to anyone whom it feels has, by exploration, research, lecturing, publishing, teaching, or any other way contributed to marked advancement in any phase of Geography. The fees for Honorary membership are paid by the local chapter.
Why Join?
Gamma Theta Upsilon membership is earned through superior scholarship; it is an honor, and a professional distinction.
Members receive a handsome certificate, suitable for framing.
No further membership dues are paid to the national organization after the initiation fee.
Many members choose to remain active in GTU after graduation, by joining Omega Omega, the Alumni Chapter of GTU.
Membership Benefits
Most chapters sponsor speakers, campus-wide programs, field trips and social events and participate in service functions.
Members can participate in numerous extra-curricular activities.
Membership provides a network where you can become better acquainted with other geography students and can meet and talk with geography faculty informally.
Members can improve their expertise in the field of geography by learning things not normally dealt with in the classroom.
Members are eligible to apply for Gamma Theta Upsilon scholarships.
Membership in an academic honor society is evidence of your dedication and competency in your career field. Some employers give hiring preference to honor society members.
For Membership Information: Ask your local chapter officers or GTU faculty advisor for information on membership procedures, and the many benefits of joining Gamma Theta Upsilon.
Application Deadline:
October 15th (Fall)
March 1st (Spring)
GTU Quick Links
2024-2025 Co-Presidents
Aidan Reynolds ’25
Felicia Winfrey ’25
Dan Trudeau
Chapter Sponsor

GTU Scholarships
GTU scholarship recipient, Alysha Alloway ’17 recently shared her words of gratitude in the GTU Newsletter (March 2018): I want to thank GTU for awarding me the Rechlin Scholarship and allowing me to start my graduate studies [at the University of Minnesota] without added financial stress. With my scholarship money I was able to purchase a computer that could support my academic work as well as other school materials, and for that I am incredibly grateful! Beyond how the scholarship helped me materially, I am honored to be recognized by the organization that helped me shape my undergraduate experience and passion for geography. I cannot thank GTU enough for not only supporting my education but for also supporting the broader geography community and helping future geographers realize their goals.
Past Scholarship Winners
Alysha Alloway ’17 – Rechlin
Agata Miszczyk ’13 – Maxfield
Joel Larson ’05 – Rechlin
Cole Akeson ’03 – Rechlin
Christina Danico ’02 – President’s