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Involve Guides

Involve is a centralized digital engagement space for student organizations and departments. Macalester primarily uses Involve to streamline student organization processes, publicize active groups, and understand student involvement trends. Each active student organization has its own Involve portal to store organization documents, manage spending, and connect with members. All Macalester students, faculty, and staff can access Involve to read about organizations, view charters, express interest in orgs, and see what events are going on. 

Want to learn more? Check out our Involve Guides below! If there are any questions, please reach out to the Center for Student Leadership and Engagement.

Updating Your Organization’s Roster

It’s important that organization leaders keep their org’s portal up to date with members, leader information, events, and other details of org happenings. To update your roster and designate who is a member or officer, follow these steps.

  1. Log in as an administrator via
  2. Go to the “Roster” tab for your org. On this page, you can invite members to join the organization’s portal and manage Join Requests from members. 
  3. You can add new members by clicking the “+” plus sign in the upper right corner of the screen to add a member or new officer. 
  4. You can also change the role of members and officers as needed.