Building Communities of Insurgent Learning Among Diverse Undergraduate Scholars
Kofi Annan Institute for Global Citizenship (IGC)Markim Hall, Third Floor 651-696-6655
651-696-6750 (fax)
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The IGC houses several programs and fellowships that share the mission of transforming the Macalester campus and academia by centering the experiences, knowledge, unique visions and intellectual contributions of students of color. Some of these are unique to campus (Field Changers) or to the region (the ACM programs, GSEF and GRADx); others are national (Mellon Mays). Most connect students with faculty and alumni networks that encourage them to pursue doctoral degrees in the humanities. All of these IGC programs build cohorts for sustained, deep change-making that begins on campus and moves beyond, with their research, employment, and engagements with broader educational settings and communities.
Programs and Fellowships
- Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship
- Field Changers Fellows Program
- Bonner Community Scholars Program
- Ethnic Studies & Campus Activism: Collaborative Project of the Annan IGC and DML
- Associated Colleges of the Midwest (ACM) Programs Currently on Hold: Graduate School Exploration Fellowship (GSEF), GRADx