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Managing Expenditures

Check out the Student Organization Finance webpage for more info!

Contracts for Vendors/Speakers/Performers

If your student organization is hiring someone as a speaker, performer, entertainer, consultant, instructor, etc., and you are planning to compensate them in ANY way, shape, or form, you MUST have a contract. Contracts are important to ensure that there is a clear agreement between Macalester College and the contractor.

Student organizations and/or their representatives may not sign or enter into a contract with a performer, speaker, etc.

Purposes of a Contract

  • Provide legal documentation required to pay someone for their service
    • Typically a W-9
  • States the agreement regarding compensation of the contractor and how additional expenses will be handled
  • States the agreement regarding the expectations of the speaker and expectations of Macalester and your student organization
  • Determines responsibility for each party in the event of a cancellation or change in the contract

Process for Requesting a Contract

Student Orgs must complete the Contract Request Form available in Presence. 

  1. The form must be completed at least two weeks in advance of the event 
  2. Once the request form is received by the Associate Director of Student Leadership and Engagement ([email protected]), they will complete and send Macalester’s standard engagement contract to the person/organizations being contracted.
    1. If the performer has their own contract they wish for Macalester to sign, please forward the document to the Associate Director of Student Leadership and Engagement
    2. Once the performer has signed and returned the required paperwork, their payment will be processed. 
    3. Please note we can not request payment until we have received all the required documents. 
    4. Contracts must be received at least two weeks prior to the event date in order to guarantee payment by the day of the event. 
  3. Macalester does not authorize deposits or pre-payments for any vendors or performances. As long as all proper paperwork has been received at least two weeks prior to the event, payment will be ready on the day of the event. If paperwork is not received at least two weeks in advance, the payment will be mailed to the address provided at the time of contracting.

W-9 Forms

The performer or speaker must provide a copy of a W-9 form to Macalester. The performer or speaker should submit their W-9 into secure portal found on the Business Services website. 

Special Considerations

  • International Performers
    • International performers are required to complete additional paperwork and withholding of taxes. The Office of Student Leadership and Engagement can help to ensure these steps are taken. If you are submitting a contract form for an international performer, please do so at least three weeks in advance of the event.
  • Macalester Faculty, Staff, or Students may not receive payment. 
  • Minnesota Entertainer Tax
    • Compensation that nonresident entertainers receive for performances in Minnesota is subject to a 2% nonresident entertainer tax. Macalester College is responsible for withholding the 2% tax from the nonresident entertainer payments, remitting the withholding amounts and reporting to the Minnesota Department of Revenue.

Remember: Contracts may include confidential information, so do not share contract details with anyone not involved in the event.