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Bi-weekly Time Entry (1600grand)

Quick Timesheet Questions or need guidance? Review the most commonly Helpful quick Tips below

  • Helpful Timesheet Tips

    Helpful Tips & Information

    Sign that reads Helpful Tips

    • Lunch Breaks –
      • Lunches are not auto deducted; you are expected to manually record them in your timesheet
      • Make sure to record your lunch breaks each day during the time taken
      • A lunch break is considered a consecutive 30 minutes and no less then 20 minutes (as those are considered rest breaks)
        • Refer to Enter Time worked for step-by-step instruction on recording lunch breaks
    • Multiple codes in one day –
      • To record two or more codes in one day use the Add Earn Code button; select from available earn codes from the drop-down menu
      • Make sure to repeat for each earn code
    • Time Off such as Vacation/Floating Holiday/Sick –
      • Remember to record time off in your timesheet on the appropriate day when scheduled and/or unexpectedly out of the office to ensure paid accurately with no delays
    • Vacation/Sick –
      • Must be recorded in quarter hour increments (i.e. .25, .50, and .75)
        • Refer to Enter Leave Time for step-by-step instructions n recording time off
    • Floating Holiday –
      • Must be taken as a full day and cannot be broken across multiple days (the intention of the floating holiday is to provide a full day of rest for the employee)
    • Holidays –
      • Do not auto load; you are expected to manually enter them throughout the year in your timesheet
      • Full Time maximum hours is 7.75 Holiday
        • Refer to Enter Holiday Pay for step-by-step instructions on recording holiday pay
    • Timesheet –
      • If you are unable to record time in the timesheet it could be due to the position ended on a specific date.  Contact HR to extend position
      • Timesheet entry has a fully functional mobile interface

Need Assistance? Review the how to questions below providing step-by-step instructions

  • Access Your Timesheet

    1. Log onto 1600grand
    2. Click on Employee Dashboard
    3. Locate My Activities menu (on the right)
    4. Click on Enter time

  • Enter Time worked

    1. Find the job/department combination you are reporting time for
      • Click on Start Timesheet to open the timesheet for the first time or
      • Click on In Progress to continue to edit an opened timesheet
    2. Using the calendar:
      • Click on the date to report time worked
      • Choose the Earn Code from the drop-down menu
        • Time Worked
      • Record Time (Using one of two recording methods)
        • Enter time manually (HH:MM AM/PM)
        • Click on the Clock icon
      • Enter Time worked including lunch breaks as:
        • Enter Start time, Start Break time, then click Add More Time, Enter End Break Time and End Time
        • Click Save or
        • Click on the Clock icon, then select the time and click Set
      • Once you are finished entering time for a day, click on Save (lower right)
    3. To Add Additional Time segments
      • Click on Add More Time
      • Once you are finished entering time for a day, click on Save (lower right)
    4. To Add comments
      • Click on Preview (bottom right)
      • Enter comments
      • Click on Submit to close the dialog box.

  • Enter Time Leave Time

    1. Find the job/department combination you are reporting leave time for
      • Click on Start Timesheet to open the timesheet for the first time or
      • Click on In Progress to continue to edit an opened timesheet
    2. Using the calendar:
      • Click on the date to report leave
      • Choose the Earn Code from the drop-down menu
        • Time off such as Vacation/Sick Time/Floating Holiday/Etc.
      • Record Leave Time (Using one of two recording methods)
        • Enter time manually (HH:MM AM/PM)
        • Click on the Clock icon
      • Enter Leave Time
        • Enter Start time and End Time
        • Click Save or
        • Click on the Clock icon, then select the time and click Set

  • Enter Holiday Pay

    1. Find the job/department combination you are reporting leave time for
      • Click on Start Timesheet to open the timesheet for the first time or
      • Click on In Progress to continue to edit an opened timesheet
    2. Using the calendar:
      • Click on the date to report leave
      • Choose the Earn Code from the drop-down menu
        • Regular Paid Holiday
      • Record Holiday Time (Using one of two recording methods)
        • Enter time manually (HH:MM AM/PM)
        • Click on the Clock icon
      • Enter Holiday Time 
        • Enter Start time and End Time
        • Click Save or
        • Click on the Clock icon, then select the time and click Set

    Additional Information

    • Holiday hours DO NOT Auto-Load
    • Holiday’s hours need to be manually entered into the timesheet based on individuals FTE (Full-Time max. hours 7.75)
    • Holiday hours CANNOT exceed 7.75hours
    • Eligible Holiday hours are prorated per individual based upon their FTE

    Holiday Eligibility is managed by Employment Services.  Any questions regarding Eligible Annual Holiday hours should be directed to Employment Services or 

  • Enter Multiple Earn Codes within one day

    1. Find the job/department combination you are reporting time for
      • Click on Start Timesheet to open the timesheet for the first time or
      • Click on In Progress to continue to edit an opened timesheet
    2. Using the calendar:
      • Click on the date to report time worked
      • Choose Earn Code from the drop-down menu
      • Record Time (Using one of two recording methods)
        • Enter time manually (HH:MM AM/PM)
        • Click on the Clock icon
      • Enter Multiple Earn Codes:
        • Enter Time worked as Start time and End Time
        • Click on Add Earn Code
        • Choose Additional Earn Code from the drop-down menu
        • Enter Time off as Start Time Off and End Time Off
        • Click Save or
        • Click on the Clock icon, then select the time and click Set
      • Once you are finished entering time for a day, click on Save (lower right)

  • To Edit Time Entered

    1. To Edit
      • Select the Time Worked segment, click the Edit (pencil icon on the right)
      • Make necessary edits to the time section as needed
      • Click Save
    2. To Copy
      • Select the Time Worked segment, click the Copy (two pages icon on the right).  Here, you will have the opportunity to copy this Time Worked segment to the end of the pay period through Sunday
    3. To Restart your timecard and clear all of the existing entries
      • Click on Restart Time (circle arrow in the upper right).  The system will prompt a warning message to verify you want to remove all of the previously entered time and comments
      • To proceed click on Restart Time to clear all entries or Cancel to go back to original timesheet
    4. To Delete time segment
      • Click on Delete, (circle with a minus icon on the right)
      • The system will prompt a warning message to confirm you want to delete the selected time, Click YES to delete
      • Click Save, successfully deleted when no longer visible in the timesheet

    Additional Information

    • (Fractions of hours must be rounded to the nearest 15 minutes and entered as a Fraction of the hour – for example 5.75 – 5hours 45 minutes)
    • Overtime is calculated automatically based on hours entered in the time worked category
    • Calculated Overtime does not show on the timesheet but will show on the pay stub, after payroll is processed

  • Review a Prior Pay Period

    1. Click on Prior Period (right of the job listing after you select Enter Time), your prior shifts will display
    2. Click on the Pay Period (you want to view), hours will display in calendar mode
    3. Click on Preview to display Timesheet Detail Summary
      • Click on Return (bottom right), will go to previous page
      • Click on Exit Page (bottom left), to go to Timesheet Submissions History
      • Click on Timesheet (top left), to go back to the timesheet to edit
    4. Click on Employee Dashboard (top left), to go back to the main Dashboard

  • Submit Your Timesheet for Approval

    1. At the end of the pay period or the last day you work in the pay period make sure to submit your timesheet for approval (Refer to Bi-weekly Payroll calendar on the Payroll website for deadlines)
    2. Click on Preview, review the timesheet for accuracy
    3. Click on Submit to send for approval
      • Only choose Submit if you have completed your timesheet
      • If you need to change your timesheet before your supervisor has approved it, you can click on Recall Timesheet (bottom right) to make additional changes

    Additional Information

    • No data entry may be changed on an Approved timesheet – contact your supervisor and have them click on Recall and then click the Return for correction button in the event you find an error that needs correcting
    • If the timesheet is In-progress does not reflect the full pay period then the job needs to be extended by HR; once the job has been extended; the timesheet will need to be restarted to reflect the full pay period by following the steps below:
      1. Log onto 1600grand
        • Click on Employee Dashboard
        • Locate My Activities menu (on the right)
        • Click on Enter time
        • Click on In-progress
      2. Restart the timesheet
        • Click on Restart Time (circle arrow in the upper right).  The system will prompt a warning message to verify you want to remove all of the previously entered time and comments
        • To proceed click on Restart Time to clear all entries or Cancel to go back to original timesheet
      3. Re-enter all time (Timesheet will expand the rest of the dates)

Deadlines for Timesheet Entry & Approval
  • Hourly Timesheets are due Monday by 4:30 p.m. (after the end of the pay period being reported)

Miss deadline? Complete the online Timesheet Correction Request process

  • Approval deadline for supervisors, is Tuesday by 12 p.m. (Noon) (after the end of the pay period)
  • A complete payroll schedule, with holidays, is available on the Payroll website
Troubleshooting 1600grand or Employee Dashboard

Problems with access to 1600grand or Employee Dashboard?

Troubleshooting Tips:

  • Use a alternate browser Internet Explorer browser (PC) or Safari browser (Mac) to access 1600grand
  • Clear your cache or browser history
  • Contact the ITS Help Desk at 651 696-6525 or

The job I need to report time for doesn’t appear on the Employee Dashboard it is most likely an issue with paperwork not being turned in for your hire (either you or your supervisor).

  • Talk to your supervisor – verify that all of the paperwork was turned in to Employment Services
  • Contact Human Resources at 651-696-6280 or