Experiencing Fraud or a Lost/Stolen Pcard?

Call Wells Fargo immediately at 1-800-932-0036 (or 612-332-2224 if traveling internationally) to report the incident and get a new card issued. They will need to confirm your recent transactions with you, and you can request expedited delivery if desired and/or a different delivery address if you’re off campus.

WellsOne Expense Manager

The new Wells Fargo expense reporting platform is now live. All receipts must now be uploaded to Wells Fargo and linked to the corresponding transactions.

  • Refer to detailed instructions on how to reconcile your expenses and upload receipts.
  • Receipts are required for ALL purchases regardless of dollar amount. If you have misplaced a receipt, you must indicate that in your transaction description. If the lost receipt was for $50 or more, you must also submit a Missing Receipt Declaration (please note this threshold does not apply to purchases made with a Federal Grant; a Missing Receipt Declaration must be submitted for each missing receipt regardless of dollar amount). You will receive a PDF copy with your approver’s signature once the Pcard Missing Receipt Declaration is complete; this form must be uploaded to the corresponding transaction as your receipt.

Pcard Application

Macalester Pcard Application (located on the employee homepage of 1600 Grand)

Pcard FAQ

What should I do if my pcard is lost or stolen?

Call Wells Fargo immediately at 1-800-932-0036 (or 612-332-2224 if traveling internationally) to report the incident and get a new card issued. They will need to confirm your recent transactions with you to identify anything fraudulent, and you can request expedited delivery if desired and/or a different delivery address if you’re off campus.

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What should I do if my pcard is being declined?

  • Check your limits and available credit; ask for an increase if needed. This is the most common cause of a decline.
  • Check your email (including spam folder) and text messages for a fraud alert. Your purchase may have triggered a suspected fraud hold, and you can respond to the fraud alert to indicate the charge is valid. The hold will be lifted instantly and you can attempt your purchase again. If problems persist, contact the Pcard Administrator at [email protected] or call Wells Fargo at 1-800-932-0036 (or 612-332-2224 if traveling internationally).
  • If an online purchase is declined, double check that you entered the correct card number, CVV, and expiration date, in addition to the correct billing address (1600 Grand Ave, Saint Paul, MN 55105).
  • Certain purchases may be restricted or require approval, such as gift cards, ATM cash withdrawal, and alcohol. If none of the above troubleshooting steps have worked, and you suspect your purchase may require additional approval, contact the Pcard Administrator.

What is the Company ID?

Macalester’s Wells Fargo Company ID is MACAL196

What is my Unique ID?

Your Unique ID is your Macalester ID. You should typically only need the last 4 digits for verification purposes.

What is my User ID?

Your User ID is the ID you use to login to the Wells Fargo portal with, and is different from your Unique ID. Your User ID was assigned to you when your account was created, and you would have received an email from the Pcard Administrator with this information. If you can’t remember your User ID, please contact [email protected].

What is the monthly timeline for expense reconciliation and approval?

  • Cardholders – cardholder/reconcilers can begin reconciling expenses as soon as they post to the cardholder’s account. You do not have to wait for the 1st of the following month like the old Wells Fargo site. It is highly recommended that you reconcile your expenses regularly throughout the month. The reconciliation deadline is 11:59pm on the 6th of every month for all previous month’s expenses.
  • Approvers – approvers can approve expenses as soon as the cardholder submits them. The approval deadline is 11:59pm on the 10th of every month for all previous month’s expenses.

When are Pcard charges reflected in Banner/Argos?

Pcard charges are typically posted to Banner / Argos by the 20th of the following month. “Why does this take so long?”

Here is the timeline for the required processes for each month’s cycle:

6th of the month: Cardholder reconciliation deadline
10th of the month: Approval deadline
11th to 15th of the month: Pcard Administrator reviews data
15th to 20th of the month: Data into Banner / Argos

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What is ‘phishing’ and how can I protect myself—and my company’s cardholders—from falling victim to a phishing scheme?

“Phishing” refers to fraudulent emails that solicit sensitive account information. The most common form of phishing is a fake email that mimics the look and feel of a genuine company’s communication. The email may ask the recipient to reply via email or to click on an embedded website link, then provide private information. Either way, it’s fake and it’s dangerous! Wells Fargo will never ask for confidential information through an unsolicited email, a website link within an email, or an unsolicited phone call.

To protect yourself from phishing schemes:

  • Never respond to or click a link within an unsolicited e-mail.
  • Never give out your password, account number or ID, or any other authorization credentials via e-mail, the web, or text messages.
  • Never offer account information over the telephone unless you initiate the call or are certain you are speaking with a Wells Fargo representative.
  • Always protect your Commercial Electronic Office® (CEO®) password, token passcode, and PIN number.

To report phishing or fraudulent attempts to gather Pcard information, send an email to Wells Fargo at or contact Macalester’s Pcard Administrator, at

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What if I am having difficulty accessing or updating my Pcard expenses online in Wells Fargo?

You may experience issues with the WellsOne Expense Manager site. If you receive an error message when logging in to “contact your system administrator”, email the Pcard Administrator, at . It is most likely that your password will need to be reset. If you are experiencing issues within Wells Fargo, suggested fixes include:

  1. Refreshing the web browser (reset cache and cookies)
  2. Switching web browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc…)
  3. Save (Update button) reconciliation changes often (description and FOAPAL updates)

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What if I will be out of the office and miss the reconciliation deadline?

Pcard expenses can be reconciled as soon as they post to your account, and should be done on a regular basis to prevent this. It is important that reconciliations be completed on time as significant additional work for everyone can be a potential consequence of not doing so. That being said, we understand that it happens occasionally. Please reach out to the Pcard Administrator if you missed the deadline and have unreconciled expenses.

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Who should I notify if I will be traveling for work with my Pcard?

Wells Fargo no longer notates travel plans on cardholder accounts. Instead, please review the Pcard Travel Tips page for detailed information on how to prepare for travel.

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What billing phone number and address should I use when ordering online with my Pcard?

Macalester’s main address should be used as the billing address for any online orders: 1600 Grand Ave, Saint Paul, MN 55105. If your online order requires a telephone number that matches the billing address, use Macalester’s general switchboard number: 651-696-6000.

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Can I purchase computers with my pcard?

No.  All computer purchases, including software and peripherals, are to be purchased through the Macalester College Information Technology Services (ITS) department.  Should you decide to purchase computing equipment with your pcard, please be aware that your equipment will not be supported by ITS.

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If I have made a personal charge on my Pcard, how do I repay the College?

Making personal charges on your Pcard should not happen, however, there can be occasional accidents. You are able to repay the college via ACH transfer in your Wells Fargo account. Once you have signed in to Wells Fargo’s pcard site, all you need to do is toggle the “Personal” button on the expense. For specific instructions please refer to the Personal Transaction page under Cardholder Resources below.

Just like OOP reporting, which electronically reimburses you for out-of-pocket expenses, the “Personal” box tells Wells Fargo to electronically pull the funds from your designated personal bank account to pay Macalester College back. This is a very efficient, safe, and secure way to process personal spending and out-of-pocket reimbursements.

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How do I utilize Macalester’s sales tax exemption status when making purchases?

Macalester is exempt from sales tax on certain purchases such as office supplies, physical goods, equipment, etc… within the state of Minnesota. This includes online vendors who have a physical location/warehouse in Minnesota such as Amazon. We are not exempt from purchases such as alcohol, airfare, lodging, dining, and services in general. Macalester’s tax ID number is printed on the front of your pcard, and showing that to the cashier at any brick & mortar store is typically sufficient for them to remove the sales tax from any applicable items. If they ask to see the ST-3 tax exemption certificate, you can show it to them on your phone or carry a paper copy with you. Many online merchants such as Amazon also have an area in your account or upon checkout where you can add tax ID information. Please utilize this tax exemption as much as possible, and don’t hesitate to ask if you are unsure if your purchase qualifies for sales tax exemption. If you forget initially, you can typically get a refund on the tax if applicable by contacting the merchant.

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Cardholder Resources

Cardholder Resource Resource Link
Steps to complete Pcard expense reconciliation; add descriptions & receipts, update FOAPAL’s, etc… Pcard Expense Reconciliation
How to distribute expenses across multiple FOAPAL’s or mark a selected dollar amount as personal Split a Transaction
How to report use of Pcard for Personal Charge Personal Expenses
How to request reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses via your Pcard statement Entering Out-Of-Pocket Expenses
How to set up direct deposit for out-of-pocket expenses or personal charges Linking Personal Bank Account
How to verify card limits and available credit, and request increases Pcard Limits, Available Credit, Requesting Increases
Steps to take before you travel with your Pcard Pcard Travel Tips

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Approver Resources

Approver Resource Resource Link
Review and approval of Pcard expenses Pcard Expense Approval 
Review and approve out-of-pocket expense reimbursement requests Pcard Out of Pocket Expense Approval

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