Home News Student Life Category: Student Life They Love to Disc Ultimate Frisbee club team takes fifth at Nationals Labors of Love and Literature English professor Andrea Kaston Tange's nineteenth-century British literature class took a trip back to the days of sewing by hand. Innovation Scholars Tackle Real-Time Challenges Macalester students explored the intersection of science, healthcare and medicine, economics, business, and entrepreneurship. All-Nighters, All Innovators: Highlights from Macathon 2023 MintT takes first place. Creating a resource for art students Figure drawing people without bias Transforming Ideas into Action Grant helps student create program in Italy “Art Should Be Fearless” Rapper and record producer Kwame Ametepee Tsikata ’05–aka M.anifest–took the stage at Springfest. MacShare Brings Food Justice to Campus MacShare expands affordable groceries, fights food insecurity, and promotes food justice in the Twin Cities through sales and partnerships. Building Toward Racial Justice Mac community members take action and implement ideas, with support from college donors. Unfiltered: Spring 2023 YouTuber Carter Stacy ’24 is “Interesting” The junior's YouTube channel "That Is Interesting" has over 155,000 subscribers and counting. Unfiltered: Fall 2022 Senior year has arrived for the students in “Unfiltered,” a series that asks five simple questions—over and over, each semester until they graduate. “The Pain and the Possibility” The Department of Multicultural Life led a group to explore the Civil Rights Movement’s places, people, and lessons. Congratulations, Class of 2022 Farewell, but not goodbye, graduates Tournament Triumphs Mac men's basketball experienced success and fan support during this year's MIAC playoffs. Unfiltered: Spring 2022 We ask several students from the Class of 2023 five simple questions—over and over, each semester until they graduate. Making the right arguments together A team of students take the national Ethics Bowl title Celebrating Winter at Mac What’s your favorite winter Mac memory? We asked . . . Home cooking at Cafe Mac The Class of 2021 shares some of their favorite Cafe Mac creations. Join the Club Take a look at nine groups at Mac's annual Involvement Fair. “It’s My Last Chance to Be on a Team Like This” Omar Anwar '22 is playing MIAC soccer for the first time in nearly two years. Previous 1 2 3 Next