Spring 2015

April 28

  1. Last LB meeting of the school year!
  2. Received an update from the Student Employment Advisory Committee and the Library and Media Services
  3. Reviewed the Printing Waste Reduction plan
  4. Refused approval for bill 0009
  5. Refused to charter a chapter of the National Society for Leadership and Success
  6. Reorganized SAAC as a member of the Student Government body
  7. Approved the FAC-recommended 2015-6 budget
  8. Approved an additional allocation for Scotch Tape
  9. Approved additional funding for Model Minority Mutiny

April 21

  1. Received an update from the Resources and Planning Committee
  2. Approved a Community Chest request for Model Minority Mutiny
  3. Approved an amended bill 0008, regarding additional transparency bylaws
  4. Approved an amendment to the 2015-6 budget, decreasing the “checkbook cut” from 50% to 30%
  5. Approved an appealed budget for WMCN of $15,151
  6. Approved an appealed budget for Mac Slams of $9,200
  7. Approved an appealed budget for Sitting @ Mac of $2,317
  8. Approved an appealed budget for Mac Public Health of $2,150
  9. Approved an appealed budget for Outing Club of $13,100
  10. Approved an appealed budget for MacACLU of $970.20
  11. Approved an appealed budget for MacWeekly of $13,774.02
  12. Tabled voting of the 2015-6 budget and bill 0009 until next week

April 14

  1. Received an update on the standing PB budget for Spring 2015
  2. Reviewed and discussed changes to Kagin policies
  3. Received an update from the Student Social Responsibility Committee
  4. Approved resolution 0003, affirming funding for summer internships
  5. Approved bill 0007, outlining the responsibilities for class representatives and MCSG executives
  6. Approved the LCB bill, detailing the function and status of the Lecture Coordination Board in the future
  7. Heard budget presentations from Mac Martial Arts and Sitting at Mac
  8. Decidednot to reconsider R0002 for edits
  9. Introduced two bills: 0009 and 0010
  10. Reviewed two SSRC community chest requests
  11. Approved a partial allocation for Off Kilter
  12. Tabled discussion of the final 2015FAC budget until next week

April 7

  1. Received an update from the Student Academic Affairs Advisory Committee
  2. Introduced bill B0007, discussing the responsibilities of class representatives
  3. Discussed the creation of a MCSG procedure guidebook
  4. Approved Resolution R0002, forwarding a new indecent exposure clause to Student Affairs
  5. Received budget presentations from MacFEASTChinese Culture ClubHegemonicalMactivists, and Afrika!
  6. Discussed the schedule for the budget approval process, as well as the org appeals timeline

March 31

  1. Received an update on NYT digital access
  2. Approved a bill creating a initiative for a student-liaison position on the Union Park community board
  3. Reviewed the budgets of Fresh Concepts, WMCN, and the Outing Club
  4. Received an update on the upcoming Sexual Assault Forum
  5. Reviewed SSRC recommendations for community chest requests
  6. Approved an additional allocation request from WMCN
  7. Introduced the charter for MacFEAST
  8. Approved an amended allocation request for a speaker from AFRICA
  9. Rejected an allocation request from Mac Sitting
  10. Rejected an allocation from Mac Public Health
  11. Introduced a budgeting proposal from the FAC and Exec Board

March 24

  1. Met with the LCB and discussed the future possibilities of LCB rollover funding
  2. Opposed a motion to form a committee to investigate LCB rollover funding
  3. Received an EPAG update on the internationalism requirement and concentrations
  4. Discussed the NYT physical and digital access options
  5. Approved changes to the MacPIRG charter to allow a budgeting process
  6. Approved and ratified the charter of a new student org, the Macalester Bridge Club
  7. Introduced a bill to remove the indecent exposure clause from the Student Handbook

March 10

  1. Discussed responsibilities of class representatives
  2. Discussed better ways to garner feedback from the student body
  3. Approved a funding request from Mac Model UN to bring a speaker to campus
  4. Approved a funding request from the APA for APA month
  5. Opposed a motion to host an MPIRG-led student assembly on income inequality

Fall 2014

September 9

  1. Discussed Roberts Rules of Order and proper parliamentary procedure for returning members
  2. Introduced Omnibus Bill, includes a proposition to elect a speaker for the Lower Body, clarified language, reassigned duties to MCSG staff
  3. FAC and LB approved Little Scots allocation funding of $790.00
  4. Heard update from AAC about condition of new and incoming textbooks in the reserve
  5. SOC discussed unfreezing process for orgs that had not attended the required org fair and changes to the current students tab on the Mac website
  6. PB discussed incoming events and the success of the previous welcome week
  7. Discussed MacGroveland council and the possibility of more student body involvement
  8. Debated implementation of on campus smoking ban and the implications for open debate